Chapter 5

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"Hey Quinn, want to meet us at a gay club tonight?" Asher asks with a hopeful smile and pleading gaze.

"Ugh, Asher I hate clubs," I groan with a deep frown.

Asher and Archer give me their best pouts. They beg together in their creepy twin-speak; "Please Quinny?"

"Fine," I huff with a groan. "But I'm only staying for a couple of hours; I have an early class in the morning."

"That's fine, thank you Quinn!" they cheer loudly together as they hug me tightly. "We're leaving here at 7 p.m. so be ready by then."

They quickly hug me before skipping out of my room to theirs which is two down from mine. Sighing as I shut the door, placing my head on the door; slowly blowing out a deep breath; "You're friends are freaking hyper," Parker chuckles with a shake of his head fondly.

"They keep me on my toes," I respond fondly.

Parker chuckles with a shake of his head again as he works on his music theory homework; "Have fun."

"Want to come with us?" I hopefully ask but know he won't.

"Nope, Kelley is coming over for dinner and a movie tonight." Parker has a dopey-loved up smile gracing his lips as he talks about his girlfriend of four, almost five years; they started dating their freshman year of high school.

"Have fun, I'll be done at the club around 9:30 p.m. but I can head to the studio for a few hours to dance if you'd like?" I offer as I pull a set of clean clothes from my half of the closet.

"You don't have to do that, Kelley said she need to be in her bed by 9:45 p.m. anyway since she has to be up early like you in the morning."

"Alright then," I answer as I step into the hall; heading toward the bathroom to shower and dress.

Texting Jakub as I reenter my dorm room. "Hey, meeting the twins to go to a club tonight; please come with?"

My phone dings with his response; "Sure, text me when and where; I'll be there."

"Thanks Jake, tonight at 7 p.m. meet me at my dorm and then we'll walk to theirs."

Placing my toiletries bag on my shelf in the closet before heading out to meet all three of the boys for breakfast; Parker can't join since he has to be in class earlier than the rest of us.

"Q, have you talked to any of the guys?" Jakub asks seriously knowing damn well I haven't.

"You know I haven't so why are you asking?" I ask with a cocked eyebrow.

Jake stares right back at me for a few seconds before sighing; "William is dating someone, a guy and Ian changed his mind about attending university and joined the Army a week ago. Konner finally seems to have settled down with a girl and the twins are still at MSU; Rain's having a harder time adjusting to being that far from home and River has adjusted well."

"What's your reason for telling me this?"

Jakub shrugs; "Wanted to tell you about William."

"Jake, I love you but I don't give a damn what he does with his life or who is with or fucking for that matter." Thankfully Asher and Archer don't ask questions or comment and Jakub drops the subject.

Four years later –

"Quinn, shake a leg!" Jakub groans as he enters my dorm room fully dressed for our graduation from Julliard.

"Are Ash, Archer and Parker meeting us there?" Jakub asks as we leave my room toward the auditorium.

"Yes, they're saving us seats along with one for Kelley."

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