Chapter One: Scream into the Void

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"This.. is getting annoying," Error said, laying face down on the 'ground' of the anti-void.

Ink had been going crazy creating, and he'd been forced to destroy twenty today.

Worse the other Sans had joined in yet another attack against him, damaging his body enough for him to retreat. Thankfully being the shell for the creators soul made him heal fast, it didn't make it easier though.

He'd kept up his duty to keep the multiverse from collapsing by destroying the ones about to cause the issues, he really wished he had Ink's ability to enlarge the multiverse so he wouldn't have to.

He was so tired, he wasn't suppose to exist.

He yearned to go home.

Home was Ink.

Yet... for some reason he couldn't force the creator's soul back to where it belonged.

He'd had Ink unconscious a few times, and tried to return the soul.. but the rebound had bounced him back to the anti-void.

It was frustrating, so he could only return to his duty till he found a way to get the soul where it belonged.

He actually long ago tried just giving the soul to Ink, explaining it.

Rejected, Ink rejected his own soul.

Not that Squid brain remembered it.

Why was the Creator such an IDIOT without a soul.

He gave a muffled scream of frustration.

"Just one day Creator, just one!" Error begged, at this rate the Creators soul would never be returned because Ink was an idiot.

"Hey Error," a cheerful voice said.

"Hey Blue, escaped your AU again I see," Error said still face down.

"Yeah, three genocides in a row then a no mercy. Nightmare of all people gave me a ride here," Blue said, laying down beside him looking at the string coloured 'sky' of the anti-void.

"Fun," Error said dryly.

"Still having issues trying to get Ink alone while Destroying the Au's to return his soul?" Blue asked.

Error rolled over and screamed into the anti-void, the voice screamed back.

"I have new knitting needles for you," Blue said, pulling Error away from those thoughts.

"Thanks, they start freaking out in whatever AU I go to to buy them," Error said a bit more happier.

"I'm going to miss this you know.." Blue said softly.

"Why?" Error asked confused.

"Because no matter what your my friend, and if you ever succeed.. you cease to exist.. no one in the know.. well knows how much of you will exist once Ink regains his soul," Blue replied unhappily.

"I know Blue, but its my duty and the Creator was never meant to be like this," Error said.

"I don't want to say goodbye," Blue cried, because either way he'd loose his friend.

"I don't want to either," Error whispered.

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