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"Hey Jacqueline how's it going" as she says smiling. I get out of the car saying

" If she is getting in this car I'm walking out" My mom gets so mad by my comment.

" It's her fault mom that I left her behind she did this to her fucking self"

"Jacqueline don't you dare talk to me that way"

" How may times do I have to mention it's Jackie"

"As your mother I have the right to call you what I want"

I start to cry a little "So you can call me a piece of shit to dad"

"Jacqueline when did you hear that?" " So it's been several times then?"

My brother comes out of the car he's about 6 foot and he's only 6 inches taller but he still towered over me and he comes and hugs me. He looks at my mom and scowls. I think to myself our family is screwed up. Sailor sits down in the car and buckles up and sits up perfectly like nothing just happened.

My brother bends down a little and whispers " Jackie pack your bag and be ready by 6 A.M. I have no clue what he has planned but I slowly nod wiping tears from my sad eyes. I look at my phone as we enter the car, it's almost 4. The ride home is silent but Sailor turns on music; I turn still sort of crying then shake my head. How could we have been friends?

     I get home and run up stairs. I grab my blue and green duffel bag that's starting to fall apart. I think back to when I last used this it was to visit my father 4 years ago it was Christmas. I was 12 it was one of my favorite days until he got a call; he got a job offer in Europe. My brother was 14 he held me while our father started packing he said he'd be back next year. IT'S BEEN 4. I was so disappointed with my dad. No matter what though, my brother has stuck by my side.

I started to pack a pillow and a blanket. As well as a weeks worth of clothes. I didn't know where or what we were going to do so I put on my Keds with gold laces, grabbed my gray jacket, my phone and my headphones. I hear a knock and then a voice saying it was time to go. I look back, the sun is just starting to rise. I open the door to see my brother, he has his hiking back pack. I still am puzzled but I decided to go along with it.

We sneak out quietly. I see in my brothers jacket pocket there is at least $200. I really don't know where he got it but we grabbed a protein shake and headed out. We hopped into our run down ford explorer and start the car. I still am curious where we are going.

Brace says "You should go back to sleep we will be there when you wake up". I grogoly nod and start to drift off. Starting to drive off as I start to doze. I wonder if we will come back? I start to think and that's all I remember from the beginning of our trip.

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