chapter fourteen

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I was detained and no bail was placed because the police felt I was too dangerous to be let out. I sat on the, never had I experience such harsh conditions, the cell was cold and the metal bed was without a mattress. The sadness I felt could not be described using mere words, it felt like my mere existence made was rejected my mother nature herself. I spent three days at the station and during my stay I would always ask myself if it was really my fault that both my mother and brother died. Alone in my cell made me want to have a peek into the future and see what is in store for me.

I have always been on the low, patiently taking my time and now it felt like I was out of my mind, it felt like my life was no longer mine. I summed all my emotions into two words 'no hope', it felt like the road to my happiness was blocked there was no hope of me getting to my destination anymore.

Just as I was drowning in my sorrowful and pathetic life, Stephanie walked in, alongside some officers. 'were they here for my case?' I asked myself.

"Arthur Roland" Stephanie smiled as she called my name. the smile on her face made me curious because of what cause would she have to be this happy.

"you're free to go" one of the officers said.

"what is happening?" I asked in total confusion as I looked at each officer's face one after the other.

"let's say your name has been vindicated" Stephanie said as she ushered me out of the cell.

Did they find a way to prove my innocence or was I dreaming? They guided me to the charge room, the first person I saw was my father who ran towards me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"is this a dream?" I asked him and from behind us an answer came, "no my dear" it was aunt Dise, never had I been so happy to see her. The smile on her face was heart-warming but still tears flowed freely down her face. It was unbelievable, I knew that I was innocent but how were they able to clear things up?

"Mr Roland, please come the way with your son, there are some documents you need to sign" the female officer, Diana-her name boldly written on her uniform-called us from where she sat, behind the counter.

We walked over to the counter, we started signing the documents we've read and then I paused, I was unable to process what I was seeing. Charles and john alongside some other boys were dragged into the station, all of them handcuffed. The scene made my jaw drop, it all felt too good to be true. John and Charles were in custody, but how?

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