C h a p t e r : 3

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, but can we like keep it between just us and our parents for now? I wanna enjoy this secret for a little longer before everyone goes gaga over the baba," she says- already imagining our eccentric families' reaction.

"Agreed, I'm not ready to hear about baby shopping just yet," I cringe- I don't even want to think about the significant dent that will be put in my wallet once they all have ideas flowing.

Tay laughs, "oh come on, it's our first kid."

"Exactly, we'll figure things out as we go. We don't need to buy the entire babies 'r us," I shake my head.

"You're probably gonna spoil the kid more than anyone else," she pokes her finger in my dimples.

I flash her a guilty look. I can't help it, babies are my weakness.

"Mrs. Idris, the doctor will see you now," the receptionist calls.

I let go of Tahiyyah and push myself to my feet. I place my hand on small of her back as she walks in front of me.

She knocks on the door and a faint voice calls out for us to enter. Stepping into the room, I'm instantly surround by posters of the inside of the female body and various certificates with complicated medical jargon.

In the middle of the room sits a woman with ebony skin and midnight black hair with graying roots.

"Hello, I'm doctor Ndosi," she introduces- gesturing us to take a seat.

"Hi, I'm Tahiyyah and this is my husband Hamza," my wife introduces.

After the pleasantries are over with, doctor Ndosi asks us a range of questions about our medical history and also explores that of our families.

"Okay, why don't we begin the physical exam?" She gestures to Tahiyyah to stand up and motions her over to the scale behind the door.

Once she is weighed, her blood pressure, heart, lungs and breasts are checked.

The doctor quickly jots down a few notes before directing Tay to the inter-leading bathroom where she gives her one of those paper gowns to change into.

When Tay re-emerges two minutes later, she is told to lie on the bed. I stand next to her as she grips my hand while doctor Ndosi prepares her for a Pap smear.

"Relax, this is standard procedure to check for cervical cancer or sexually transmitted diseases," she tries to calm Tay.

Taking a deep breath, Tahiyyah leans back and forces her body to relax.

After the Pap smear is done, a bimanual internal exam is done. Apparently, this is to determine the size of her uterus and pelvis as well as to determine any abnormalities of the uterus, Fallopian tubes or ovaries.

"Right, now we can do the ultrasound. This is the part that usually excites the parents-to-be," she smiles at us knowingly.

The doctor squeezes a dollop of clear gel on her belly, spreading it around with the doppler.

Doctor Ndosi points out the baby on the screen.

"He looks like a misshaped blueberry," I blurt out.

Tahiyyah playfully hits me on the arm, "don't say that about our kid."

I lift my hands up in surrender, "I'm just being honest. Come on, you know you agree with me."

She bites her lip, "I'm gonna sound like a really bad mother but damn you're right."

Doctor Ndosi laughs at our antics.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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