Chapter Six

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Up front, Taehyung paid the appropriate amount and made small talk with Namjoon. However, what was really in mind was his plans for the tattoo artist who he learned is named, Jungkook. Would he agree to coming to his house? So early? I mean- people were oblivious like that. But- Taehyung didn’t wanna kill this male to be honest. It wouldn’t make much sense- he had given him a really nice tattoo and seemed like a decent human being. 

Plus- that’s a waste of such a pretty boy. ‘Maybe I should make him my boyfriend and dispose of Jaehyun,’ he thought with a nose scrunch- 

But eh- no. That was simply too much work. He’d just see how today would go.

As the boy rounded the corner, Taehyung stood straight and looked at him, “ready?”

Namjoon raised an eyebrow at Jungkook, but he didn’t say anything. He just looked back at his screen and took a sip of his Arizona tea.

Jungkook looked at the eldest of the three, giving him a casual shrug, Namjoon knew how he is by now. He then looks over to Taehyung and nods with a small smile. "Sure. Namjoon hyung- it's your turn to lock up the shop today," the youngest informs him before walking behind the desk and grabbing his things. 

He doesn't wait for the eldest to say something and simply turns to walk out of the shop, the blonde male in tow. "Have any place in mind?" he asks, hands stuffed in his pockets as he kicks at a rock. 

“Mhm. There’s this place that sells some good boba. It’s close by my house so we can hang there. If that’s okay with you of course,” Taehyung added to be polite. He walked with his hands behind his back and glanced at the younger upon asking the question.

"Sounds good to me," Jungkook nods, shrugging his shoulders slightly before looking up at the sky, one hand moving to block the sun from his eyes. His voice was pretty emotionless, not giving away any of his thoughts or feelings on the matter. 

Taehyung blinked- ‘he’s lucky he’s cute. Because he definitely doesn’t have the brains,’ he thought to himself and just carried on down the street and turning onto the street with his house. His real home. Not Jaehyun's place, where he came and went as he pleased.

The tea place was on the same street so Taehyung led the younger right inside the brightly colored place.

“I recommend- the strawberry boba,” he said when Jungkook walked in, “it’s superior.” He giggled.

Jungkook himself always seemed to get the same kind- banana. He's got a mild obsession with the flavor, candies, milk.. You name it, he loves it. "I don't think I ever had the strawberry one before," he mumbled, gaze scanning the menu. There was quite a few flavors that seemed good yet, his gaze always fell on the banana one. 

The elders head snapped in his direction. His expression showed that he took full offense to the statement, “woah-“ was all he managed to get out. He LOVED anything strawberry. The fruit, the milk, the ice cream! “When we are at my place we are having our strawberry boba with strawberry pocky,” the boy says with playful finality.

The younger realizes he doesn't have much of a choice and he simply shrugs, he's not one to be picky over food or beverages and will eat and drink whatever's given to him. He got like that because of how he was raised and it just stuck with him, even through adulthood. "Pocky?" he questioned, turning his gaze to study the elders side profile in curiosity.

Taehyung nodded once and said, “pocky,” before stepping up to the counter and ordering the two medium sized boba’s. He watched how the total of the two drinks decreased due to a ‘coupon’. He looked up at the cashier and winked at her, taking the drinks from the barista. “Have a good day,” he smiled and turned to Jungkook, handing him his drink.

Jungkook reached out and carefully took the drink from the elder, nodding at the cashier. He turns to look at Taehyung, wondering what they're doing now. Are they heading straight to his place?

“We can go now,” Taehyung smiles sweetly at the boy. 

He walks to the entrance and walks out, holding the door for the aforementioned. His house was like, literally a thirty second walk away.

With a swift nod of his head, Jungkook walks out of the boba shop and back onto the sidewalk, sighing softly as a gust of wind hits him in the face. It was awfully warm out and the tiny gusts of wind was very much appreciated. 

Taehyung practically skips his way into his property since the sweet taste of the drink filled his mouth-

And just like that, he was bouncing up his stairs and unlocking his door. He actually went to the shop regularly before he went out or going back home. The male kicks off his shoes at the door while a more calm Jungkook follows in behind, looking around and closing the door. The younger does the same and takes off his shoes at the entrance.

“You can sit, I’ll be right back in. My pocky stash is in my kitchen,” he says leads the quieter boy to the living room for him to sit. The older of the two places down his drink and says, “be right back.” And walks into another room.

Jungkook makes himself comfortable, gaze taking in his surroundings thoroughly. He sips on his drink- having to admit that it indeed was also good, yet he'll always prefer banana. He sighs and leans back, rubbing his hands on his ripped jeans, feeling somewhat awkward to be at a complete strangers house. He didn't trust him- no, just simply thought this could be fun. That and it's better than heading to his house only to be alone, or Minho's place to be honest. 

Opening his cabinet and rummaging through it, Taehyung makes up his plan. It was simple, just act normal and cute or whatever. Lure him in and have him wanting more. Tae will have him wrapped around his finger in no time and then he’d be able to take advantage of him basically. But this was for the long run- today- was cute Tae Tae, your local model.

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