The Archer ~ Daryl Dixon fan fiction

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Daryl POV
I followed the deer tracks that were in front of me, they went on forever it seemed like. Once the tracks started to fade away I looked around for any sign of the deer. In the corner of my eye, there it was, the deer, it had stopped right in front of the camp opening. I shot my arrow but before it had hit my kill, the deer had fallen with a thud, then i heard the sound of a deers cry. ' Son of a bitch' i thought to myself, all that tracking just for a walker trap. I heard little kids scream in terror, i started walking towards the camp knowing what was going on. As I walked through the little opening of the camp everyone aimed their guns at me. It was always me, people really need to stop that pointing is rude.I shook my head when i found the deer that was lying on the grond with its neck missing and a walker next to it with its head missing. "Son of a bitch! Thats my deer. Been trackin this deer for miles." I said to Rick, Shane, Glenn, T-Dog, and Dale. I walked over to the walker and said "Look at it all nawed on by this filthy, diseased, motherless, poxy, bastard." and kicked the walker with every word i said and meant. "Aw come on son thats no way to handle it." Dale said. "What do you know about it old man, why dontcha take that stupid hat and go back to One Golden Pond." I said and got in his face. "I was gonna drag it back to camp, cook us up some venicine. Whatya think we can cut around this chewed up part right here." I said pointing to the missing peice in its neck. "Wouldnt want to risk that." Shane said holding a shotgun behind his head. "Thats a damn shame, well i got us some squirrle, about a dozen or so." I said about to walk away when i heard the walkers head come back to life. I aimed and shot an arrow, it hit its eye. "Gotta be the brain, dontcha yall know nothing." I said and walked to the base of the camp. "Merle! Gettcha ugly ass out here." I yelled as I placed my bow down."Daryl? I've gotta talk to you." I heard Shane say. "Bout what?" I asked. "Merel. Theres a problem in Atlanta." He said. I looked around and found a girl i've never saw before. "Is he dead?" I asked looking him straight in the eye. "Im not sure." He said, such a dumbass i thought to myself. "He either is or he aint." I said raising my voice a little. "Theres no easier way to say this, so I'll just say it." A girl with red hair, a white blood stained shirt, with black jeans and boots that went up to the mid-calf, said. "Who are you?"i spat. "Skylar Brooks." She said. "Skylar Brooks, you got something you want to tell me?" I asked her with an aditude. "Your brother was a danger to us all, so I hand cuffed him on a roof to a peice of metal, hes still there." She said. "Hold on let me process this, So you hand cuffed my brother to a roof and you left him there?!, your just like officer friendly." I yelled and looked at Rick. "Yeah." She said calmly. I threw my squirrle that i had and charged after her, i know its the wrong thing to do but this was my brother. Before i could do anything she took my arms, twisted and held them still behide my back. "Ya best let me go!" I yelled. "Nah i think its better if i didnt.." She said. "I would like to have a calm disscusion about this topic." She said. "Its mostly my fault, i dropped the key." T-Dog spoke up, "Ya couldnt pick it up?" I asked. "I dropped it down a drain." He added. Skylar let me go, "Suppose to make me feel better, but ya dont." I said. "Well maybe this will, i chained the door so the geeks couldnt get at him." He said. "Thats gotta count for something." Skylar said. "How am i suppose to get himback?" I asked with tears in my eyes. "She'll show you, wont she." Rick said. "I gotta go back." She said. "The bag of guns that we dropped, are still there." Rick said. I had little hope that we would end up finding Merel. Skylar looked at Glenn, "aw come on." He wined. "your the only one who knows the city well enough to get in and out." She said. "Skylar, no your risking everyone's life's here." Shane said. "How the hell am I doing that?" She asked. I chuckled a little. "No she's not, I'm going with them." Rick said and started to grab something's. "Me too." Tdog said. "Oh my day just gets better and better." I said while cleaning of my arrows. Oh Merle please be safe, I thought to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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