Dipping our toes

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The moment I realized my bully was back was the moment I broke down. I was sat on my bed hyperventilating, seeing shapes that weren't there before. I felt the room's temperature rise significantly as my hair began to stick to my face because of the sweat practically dripping from me. I checked my phone one more time before hopping out of my bed.

I jumped into the shower, washing off the nerve and anxiousness. In the shower, I thought about all the things Thomas did to me years ago.

Six years ago

I was sitting on a bench during recess, alone. Even James couldn't help me then. No one wanted to be around me, associate with me. I was always the outcast, the overweigh, ugly girl.

I was eating some sour cream and onion crisps and a tuna sandwich.

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming up behind me. I turn to see Thomas standing by the bench, glaring down at me. "I heard Zack called you ugly," he growled through his teeth.

I nodded, scared for my life. "He's right about that. Only I can call you ugly," He shouted the last bit. That same day I heard he got suspended for unknown reasons. I soon realized Zack didn't come to school the next day.

I jumped out of the shower five minutes later and dried myself. I chose to wear a pair of shorts and a cropped hoodie. I rushed to the window to climb out. There was a tree by my bedroom window, which I climbed onto.

I ran toward my bike and flew on it and road on. It was dark, only the lights of the road lit the night. The cold evening wind raised the hairs on my shoulders. I began to lose control of myself as I pedaled faster. Soon I was off the bicycle seat to get reach the highest of speeds. Something drew me to the water; I could just imagine the water. My heartbeat accelerated as I came to my senses. I was to meet the one who hurt me so much. I had something to tell, something was one my mind. I was to stand up to him, put him in his place.

Anger began to bubble up in my gut, determined was plastered on my face. I was growing impatient; my speed grew a significant amount.

Soon I was at the path, separating itself from the road, into the forest. I walked through the forest until I could see the glistening water. I saw a dark figure, they seemed very tall, 6'3 at least. They were facing the water and hadn't moved a muscle.

I assumed they heard my footsteps because they slowly turned around.

"Listen here-," I managed to get out before being interrupted.

"Oh Elmo, I missed you," Thomas said in a happy tone. He stepped toward me and wrapped his arms around me. He dug his chin into my shoulder and inhaled. I was completely taken off guard and just stood there. After a full ten seconds, I put my arms around his waist. After I hugged him back, he squeezed my back. Soon we let go and he just stared down at me.

His blond hair looked messy and wavy; he also had the most intense green eyes. His lips were parted as he continued to stare. His gaze was making me uncomfortable but that was pale in comparison to how his comment made me feel.

"When did you get hot?" he asked the very crude question.

I scoffed at the question. "Why would you ask that dude?" I had become irritated. He looked with hooded eyes.

"Because you are, dingus," he informed me in a matter of fact tone. My anger was increasing.

"You, you don't get to fucking say that your piece of shit. You tormented me for years before disappearing. You didn't have to hurt me, fuck with my head, you were the sole reason I cried myself to sleep every night for years," I shouted out ad tears flooded my eyes.

"I understand you hate me, god I would hate me too. I'm so sorry I hurt you and asked you out here to ask for your forgiveness. I didn't know why I treated you the way I did and there's no excuse. I came here to tell you I'm sorry. Whether you forgive me or not I will never forgive myself for what I did to you. After I left to go to school in Helsinki, I sought help and got it. I realized what an absolute dick I was and probably am. I'm better now," He finished his speech with sincerity.

I looked at him, tears streaming down my face, unsure what to do.

I took off my hoodie and shorts, I then took off running. I dived into the water. The cold water hit my skin, numbing my entire body. I opened my eyes to be met with darkness, I felt at home in the cold. Suddenly I was pulled out the water by strong hands and close to someone. I was met with green eyes.


I put my arms around his neck and smiled at his worried. I just wanted some fun for once. "Because I wanted to," I whispered in the ear before biting it just to mess with him. I had taken my sleep medicine that contains medical marijuana. It makes you sleepy but also helps you wake up once you've fallen asleep and woken up. It also messes with my emotions if I don't sleep enough. Nothing else ever works and its completely legal.

"What are you doing," he slurred, and I kissed up and down his neck. "Ahh," he whispered as my hands travelled to his abdomen. "Stop," he whispered the end and it turned in a sigh.

"Should I?" I asked in a soft hoarse voice. My fingers tugged on his hair. His head tilted back with his eyes closed.

"No, no," he breathed out. I started to bite his ear again, earning a "hmm," from him.

'Wait. What on earth am I doing? I need to stop. Why did I do that,' I thought.

I pulled away from him coming to my senses. "I- I'm sorry," I uttered whereas panting. At that moment I realized he had taken off his shirt.

I quickly swam out of the lake and ran to my bike after grabbing my clothes. I throw them in the basket and road home, leaving him there. I dropped my bike by the tree and climbed up. I got in my room only to change and lay me head on the bed.

I was consumed by my thoughts. I couldn't believe what happened tonight. Why did he want my forgiveness, do I forgive him? I don't want to think about these things. She slowly was swayed to sleep.

The night was lit by the moon from a far distance. The entire region seemed completely still in their little town. Little did they know what was to happen and what secrets to be uncovered in the Luminen household. Through the thick curtains in the furthest window to the right, laid a sixteen-year-old Elmi. She was a tall, tanned girl with long brown curly hair. She was tossing and turning in her twin-sized bed, making it rock back and forth. Suddenly she tensed and shot up into a sitting position. She was breathing heavily, unaware of her surroundings. She whipped her head to face both sides of her room quickly. She calmed at the realization her troubles were mere dreams.

She slid both her legs to the right side of her bed till they reached the ground. She inhaled through her mouth and apprehended her mouth and throat was quite dry. She quietly tiptoed down the stairs, firmly holding on to the railing, afraid of falling back into the dream. Suddenly she halted with the feeling of a cold hand gripping onto her arm. She whipped her head around to face nothing but darkness. She couldn't help but feel a sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach. It took all she had to muster the courage to continue with her conquest. She was both afraid of what to await her downstairs and what was longing to torture her once again. Her feet were slowed by causation as her breathing quickened. She prayed at that moment that she was alone.

A cold breeze was sent across her back. She looked around to see no windows to be open or near her. Suddenly she felt a forceful push. She was thrown across the floor and could feel an unnatural sting in her wrists. "do it" was whispered in her ear.

She jumped up in her bed. Elmi realized it was a dream but was scared it was still the dream. She pinched her wrist. The pain stung her wrist, relief washed over.  She questioned if it was all a dream.

Hi guys. I know you don't know him well yet but I hope this new character will fit in the story soon. Oh yeah, how are you guys? I'd love to know.

I respond to all dms ( that are appropriate)

Love you lots my little nuggets🍓

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Dec 08, 2019 ⏰

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