T: I am so sorry Y/n, I shouldn't have said those things to you, I am truly sorry...

J: I am sorry too, I should have thanked you for standing up for me instead of becoming mad at you, can you forgive us?

Y/n: Of course I forgive you, if you forgive me as well, I know I went to far because I wanted to protect you, but I promise that in the future I will allow you to fight your own battles.

They both smiled and we group hugged. Suddenly I heard a mans voice in the distance coming my way, I looked up and saw a few people in blue shirts with the initials "E.M.T" making their way though the crowd and coming towards me. One of them made their way to me and sat down right beside me making me confused "Did the guys call an ambulance?".

E.M.T: Miss are you ok?

Y/n: Yes i'm fine...

The man turned towards the guys before asking.

E.M.T: Can you explain what happened to me?

N: Yes sir, we were looking for her and when we found her she put her hand on her chest and looked like she was having a heart attack, then she blacked out and we immediately called you.

Namjoon spoke in a calm voice but I could sense he was very stressed about the whole situation, then the man turned to me once again.

E.M.T: Can you describe what you felt as best as you can?

I hesitated for a moment before nodding my head.

Y/n: I felt a sharp pain in my chest and it was like I couldn't breath, then my legs got weak and before I knew it I was on the floor while everything turned black.

The E.M.T looked like he was thinking for a second before he spoke again.

E.M.T: Have you been under a lot of stress lately?

I was a bit taken aback by his question. The answer was yes, but I couldn't say that because I was certain he would ask the cause and that I couldn't answer so I just said the first thing that came to my mind.

Y/n: Isn't every teenager?

The E.M.T gave me a smile before speaking.

E.M.T: Well the good news are that you didn't have a heart attack!

Y/n: And the bad news?

E.M.T: The bad news is that you did have a panic attack, so you might want to take it easy for a while since panic attacks are caused by stress.

I was speechless, I couldn't even think properly, I was shocked, I've had many anxiety attacks in the past but never a full blown panic attack and since I didn't have any experience with it I had no idea how serious it was so I just prayed that I wouldn't have to go to the hospital. Thankfully the E.M.T just told me to relax a bit and get some rest so the principal sent me home for the day.

T just told me to relax a bit and get some rest so the principal sent me home for the day

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