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Your eyes are telling me something,
Like it's the only thing,
And there's no other like it.
Though maybe it's not or any whit.

But your eyes, your heart.
In them, I swear I can see stars.
I can see the world, the universe.
I could read every verse.

Verse of what? 
The ones hidden in your eyes and that!
The way you look at mine deeply,
How it affected me and being simply.

Simply breathtaking and I feel like,
Like I can't live without your eyes and psych.
Oh my god, I know!
I know what your eyes tells me from you!

"I love you... "
Three words they spoke from eyes on view.
"I love you... " again it repeated.
I can't breathe and my heart it feels heavy and heated.

I'm shocked, happy and swell in joy.
Is this what love feels, something I can enjoy?

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