I giggled again as he put me down once we were in the bathroom and I tried to make my hair lay flat. That last orgasm probably didn't help it at all. "Babe." He sighed and before I could fully look at him he had me in his arms again, picking me up like a doll and he set me down under the spray.

"It's still cold." I giggled and squeaked as he reached around me, efficiently putting me more under the spray and I felt the water slowly warm up as he turned the dial.

"How about instead of finding something here... we go and eat at my place." He offered and I thought about that and I just bit my lip nodded.

The morning flew by, I got clean and dirty, and then clean again in the shower with Lucien, we went to breakfast, we went back to him house, we changed and I asked him to take me to get more of my clothes.

We had gotten to the house I barely recognized. I saw the bullet holes close to the now boarded up windows and when I turned to Lucien he waved it off and said that there were a couple brothers in the construction business. When the shooting happened he had asked them to get here as soon as possible, and he told me he mentioned it to me, but I couldn't remember it.

So I told him that all the brothers... those who helped or not... could come in and get free coffee and cakes for a week when I reopen.

He said he would pass it on, but not many of the guys went so far north. I wondered what he meant by that but got to work on collecting more of the every day clothes. Even a few dresses and skirts and better shoes.

I found the suitcase I used to move into this place, and put everything into it before heading downstairs and back into the Jeep. Lucien talked about the rest of the week, "If you really want to open on Monday... I will have a prospect inside at all times. In case that guy comes back with a bigger gun."

"Don't make a guy wait all day while I am there."

"It won't be all day. I was thinking... Monday, I pick Cami up, and then you." He looked over at me and I nibbled my lip.

"Well I would need to close early then."

"Close? None of your employees have a key and know how to close?" He asked me and I sighed and looked away.

"I usually stay at the café all day everyday. I work the front, I make the things in the back... I just do a lot." I told him and he raised my hand that he linked together and kissed the back of it. I thought about Cami, and him. I used to wait for hours for my father to come home to even tell him about my day. And the one time I got in trouble I waited for hours in the office for him to show up, I was let go that late afternoon when it was clear to the VP that my father wasn't coming. I had detention for a week and my dad didn't even know.

If he ever had to work late, or if she got sick... who took care of her?

"Who takes care of Cami when she is sick?" I asked and he looked over at me like he didn't understand the question. "I mean, do you? You take the bike every morning to work... and if she gets sick at school do you have to go all the way back to the house just to get the car and bring her back?"

"She barely gets sick. If she does it's just he flu and only when she plays outside when its wet and cold." He shrugged and sighed. "Why?"

"Just... if we are going to do this... it would make more sense, since I am close, that I would some how help if she were to get sick." I told him and he saw the small smile peeking through his lips and I gulped. At least he wasn't telling me not to interfere.

"Cami would probably get a kick out of spending time with you. I bet you have a whole list of things you do when you're sick." He smirked and I gulped knowing that was right.

Lucien (Razorback MC Book 1)[Full series on Novelcat]Where stories live. Discover now