imagine #4 - the speech

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"Y/N, let's go! We're going to be late!" you heard your boyfriend yell from the living room.

"One minute!" you yelled back and continued to fix your hair, and you made sure your makeup was still neat. You walked out of the bathroom and into the living room.

Spencer heard the clicking of your heels on the hardwood floor of your shared apartment and turned around. His jaw dropped. You smiled and twirled. You had on a black floor length gown with a slit up to your mid thigh. It was fitted down to your waist and then just flowed.

"You - You are so beautiful."Spencer said as he slowly walked to you looking at you all over. He put his hands on your waist and pulled you close to him, looking deep within your eyes. You could see the love in his eyes. He placed a finger under your chin and lifted your face up towards his and planted a soft tender kiss on your lips. You smiled into the kiss. Every kiss with him felt like the first one.

"As much as I want to stay here with you right now, we have to go." he said.

You giggled, "Yes sir. Let's go! Wouldn't want to be late to your ceremony." You were so proud of him. He was receiving an award for some big discovery for something to do with schizophrenia.

He held out his arm, and you wrapped your arm around his as he led you out of the apartment. He opened the car door for you, and you got in. He walked around and got in. Rossi and Hotch wanted it to be in style, so they hired a driver for the two of you.

The ride to the arena where the ceremony is going to take place started out quiet until he spoke up. "You know," he paused for a while, "I'm thrilled about the discovery that I made." he paused again.

"But?" you chimed in.

Spencer sighed, "I wish my mom was here."

You gave him a soft smile and reached for his hand, "I know you do." you rubbed the back of his hand with your thumb.

He looked at you and returned the soft smile.

Once you were at the arena, the driver hopped out and opened the back car door allowing Spencer to get out. Spencer held out his hand to help you out of the car. You took it and never let go. There was camera everywhere. You weren't expecting this. The science and medical field is bigger than you thought.

Spencer could tell you were uncomfortable and wrapped his arm around you and held you close to his side. He led you down the walkway, pausing a few times to answer questions from doctors, journalist, etc. You were amazed at how comfortable he was in front of them and the flashing lights.

You both eventually made it into the building, and you let out a sigh of relief. Spencer chuckled.

"Ok. What is so funny Mr. Genius? Huh?" you smiled.

He tried to cover up his laughter by closing his mouth but failed causing you to burst out in a fits of laughter.

"You're in front of people all day and that made you nervous." he said to you.

"Umm ok. The people I am in front of are about twenty five year olds. All I am doing is teaching them to color inside the lines." you laughed.

Spencer laughed and looked past you. His eyes lit up. "Hey guys!"

You turned around to see Hotch, Rossi, and the rest of the group walking your way with huge smiles on their face.

"Well well Y/N. How in the world did our boy wonder snatch a woman like you up?" Morgan asked checking you out.

"Oh shut up Morgan." You laughed at him and playfully hit him on his shoulder.

All of you stood and talked until it was time to go sit down. You walked into the ballroom and were astonished at the beauty of it all. Circular tables were everywhere with white tablecloths and elegant center pieces and silverware and dishes topping them. The stage was just as beautiful.

Fast forward through the ceremony

Spencer had made a beautiful speech that included the team, you, and his mother. He claimed that all of you had a part in his research. You were nothing but supportive of him during this whole thing, and you still are.

Rossi stated that they were throwing Spence a party at his house and to be there. Once at Rossi's, he opened some wine and poured everyone a glass and explaining how this very wine was brewed in his family's home town. Every one was just mingling and congratulating Spencer again and again on his study. Rossi clinked a spoon against his glass and made a toast to Spencer and asked if he would give another speech.

You smiled and gave him a little push towards where Rossi was standing. Spencer cleared his throat, "Hey guys. This is great. You guys are great. I couldn't have done any of this without each and everyone of you. Especially you, Y/N." He said and looked you in the eyes. "Will you come here?" You looked at him and hesitantly walked towards him. "You have been nothing but supportive of me throughout this whole thing. "Throughout my stress and pain of this process you were still there." You smiled at him and had tears forming in your eyes. You knew how much all of this meant to him. "I love you, Y/N. You are the greatest woman ever."He placed his glass on the table next to you and took both of your hands in his. "I couldn't imagine doing this with anyone else. You make me so happy. I also couldn't imagine doing life with someone other than you." He started to get down on one knee and you gasped and covered your mouth with one of your hands. "Y/F/N, you already make me so happy, but will you make me the happiest and marry me?"

You nodded your head multiple times and choked out a yes. "Yes. Yes yes yes yes!" you giggled as he stood up and placed the ring on your left hand. It was gorgeous. You looked up at Spence and wrapped your arms around his neck as he wrapped his around your waist and lifted you off the ground. "I love you so so much Spence!" you said as he set you down.

He grabbed your face and connected your lips together. Everyone started clapping and cheering. You forgot there was anyone else in the room with you. You giggled and rested your forehead on Spencer's. You both had the biggest smile ever on your faces. You were excited to spend the rest of your life with Spencer. 


So I told you there would be a happy one soon!

I feel like this sounds like an ending to a hallmark movie... Probably because I love those and my mom and I have been watching so many of them lately!

Like always please comment and tell me what you thought! And I apologize for any mistakes!

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