Chapter One

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Chapter One

Homer watched as everything he loved falling apart. Marge left him two years ago because of his over drinking, his negligence, his everything. Bart, Lisa, and Maggie- his three beautiful children. He loves them, he swear he does. He just never got to show them how great of a father he could be because of his drinking. Now he's lucky if they look his way anymore.

He's dying and he nows it. Alcohol poisoning is finally catching up to him. They weren't kidding that when you die you see your whole life flash before their eyes. His life sucked and it was all his fault. If he drank less, paid more attention to his family, used his brain and just do everything differently then his life would of been something to be proud of.

"Oh Homer, your life was not something I imagined for you." Said a familiar voice.

"Who's there!" Exclaimed Homer.

He was pretty sure he was alone while he was dying, so why does he hear a voice.

"It's me" said the voice.

"Me who?" Questioned Homer.

"Look behind you"

"Oh God, it's you. If you're here does that mean I'm finally dead and I made it into heaven?" Homer asked.

"No" answered God. "While you are dead, been dead for a few minutes now even before I spoke to you. Watched your whole life with you too but unfortunately if we had to based facts on your life then you would be in Hell instead of talking with me"

"If that's so, then why am I here to begin with" snarked Homer. You could see that Homer was filled with unresolved sadness, on the verge of crying.

"If I'm being honest, I would've never came to talk to you. I would have sent you straight to Hell, If it wasn't because of what you were feeling right now l." Replied God.

"What I'm feeling?"

"Yes. Deep regret is what you're feeling and the thing that made this unbelievable is that you're feeling regret with everything in your body. From your cells to hair particles. Everything just screams regret."

"Well no duh, everything just sucks! Why don't we hurry up and send me to Hell so we won't be wasting everyone's time." Said the sadden Homer.

"I could do that yes, or..."

"Or?" Homer asked curiously.

"Yes or, I could send you back in time to relive your life from a certain part and you can do everything differently. From how you sleep to how you drive, Everything." Said God excitedly.

"Can I can I really??" Said Homer looking like he's about to cry.

"Well of course! I'm so bored. To be honest, you're life was the only entertainment I've had in a long time. Your show hasn't been I mean your life hasn't been the same" God exclaimed. "Now at which part of your life do you want to be sent back to? From birth till now?"

This was a tough question, Homer was still surprised but super happy. He can restart his life from the very beginning but if he does he might mess up a few things and have have things not happen because of that. After a few minutes he finally know the perfect moment.

"I'd like to be placed after I begged Mr. Burn for my job at the Nuclear Plant back. When I found out Marge was pregnant with Maggie." Homer said.

"Are you sure?" God asked. "You know I can place you after you were born and you can do your life completely different."

"If I did that then I could have a life without Marge and the kids. I finally see that that's not a world I want to live in. Marge is my soulmate and I love my kids, I miss them. Plus now I will be able to give them a life they deserve" shouted Homer excitedly.

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