Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

It took a few days before the family fully understood what they were reading. Before they started reading, Homer called the Power Plant and asked for a few days off is was a miracle that he got it but he did. He also called Springfield Elementary to tell them that Lisa and Bart wouldn't be able to go to school for a few days.

Homer became a specialist for his job at the power plant. Marge became a specialist for being an interior designer. Lisa was the same as always but the biggest surprise was Bart. With the help of his parents and Lisa, he was able to catch up to Lisa when it came to brains. Marge and Homer were hoping that he'd maybe get up to high school smarts but he went up and beyond and he became as smart as Lisa. Lisa was so happy to finally have someone in the family to talk too more. But it wasn't only the subjects that Bart approved in, he started to draw again and he was as good as Lisa with her saxophone.

Marge was so happy, as she cooked the family a delicious but healthy dinner, she'd look into the living room from time to time and instead of the usual-Homer laying drunk on the couch while the kids were rotting their brains with tv. Now she sees Homer reading the books from the library, Lisa playing a wonderful song on her saxophone and Bart drawing a beautiful portrait of the family. Even Maggie was playing a child's game that Lisa and Bart created to a stimulate her mind. She went back into the kitchen in a good mood.

Every time Marge looked into the living room, Homer saw how happy she looked but he felt that he could make her much happier but he knew he had to wait as not everything could be done at once. He still had plans he didn't tell the family but he wanted it to be a surprise as he didn't know what would happen and he didn't want to let his family down if it doesn't got the way he wants it too.

A few minutes after she went back into the kitchen she called them into the dining room to eat, " COME AND EAT!" She shouted.

They all ran in to eat, for the past few days they've been eating healthy without complaining and because Homer hasn't had a drink also, he saw that the family was loosing weight him especially. He wanted to say something and thought now was a good time to tell them about something that been on his mind, " I've been thinking guys and I don't think it time for you guys to show your new found talent and smartness especially Bart."

He saw that Marge and the kids looked surprised but confused. Before they could ask the question in their heads he explained, "While it be fun to stick it to the towns face about our new found smartness, I believe that it's not time yet for everybody else in Springfield to know about what's going on inside this house."

He continued, "Instead of me who's gonna go to work and actually do my job right and better, when Bart goes to school I want him to be the same as before he started to learn and draw. And we shouldn't talk about what we're doing. And before you ask, the reason I said that is because I feel like it's not time yet. I feel like there's a day where we can show off but nows not the time."

It took some talking to and they had a long family discussion and they finally came to realize that what Homer said was smart and it be a real good idea to do what he said. They told Homer that they do what he said.

After a few more days of learning the Simpson's family finally felt like they learned everything that they could. The kids went back to Springfield Elementary and just like the plan told them to, Lisa went back to school the same as always but she knew not to talk to anyone what was going on inside the Simpson's house and Bart knew to go back to school like how he did before he go smart. Therefore no showing off and and to do pranks and slack off like usual but when they went back home Marge will teach him and Lisa better things then what they learnt at school.

While the kids went back to school, Homer was going back to work at the Nuclear Power Plant and for once he was happy to go back to work. He was practically skipping that was how much happiness he felt. It was so surprising that Smithers told Mr. Burns when he saw this on the computer screen that shows Homer Simpsons as he come in to work.

Mr. Burns was surprised, " And why is a Simpson coming to work happy?? What kind of sorcery is this?" He asked outraged. "Show me visual of the Simpsons . NOW I say"

Smithers did what was told to him. He opened to screen and made to security cameras to follow him. They followed him until he made it to his work office.

Homer doesn't know that he's being watched by Burns cameras as he was coming in. Hey said morning to every worker he saw as he was going into work. "Hey Homer want a donut and gossip the whole day?" Lenny or Carl asked him. For some reason Homer can never tell which is which, oh well he thinks.

He answers them, "No thanks guys, I'm cutting back on those things." They looked so shocked when they heard what he said. They still looked shocked as he walked into his work place.

When he got in there all could see were buttons and switches and he was shocked and appalled to describe how before he started he didn't know which switch did what. He could've blown up the town, well if he's being honest in the future he does blow up the town! Well it magically got put together again but still! He really didn't know nothing about what he was doing in the past but now it different.

It was different because he know if he switch this down and flip this switch up and pull this lever than he will be saving Burns a whole lot of money.

As he was flipping switches the security cameras were  catching all his steps. After he pulled a switch down Smithers was interrupted by a ding sound from his laptop. With every move Homer made he found that his laptop would ding. After a few minutes he finds that it's Homer that's making it happen. Smithers was so shocked. "Mr. Burns your stock price went up buy 18% and it was all thanks to him" he said with in-described shock in his voice.

"18%?!! Are you serious?" Mr. Burns exclaimed.

Smithers answered with a yes and the both looked at the screen for the whole day. It wasn't until the middle of the day that they dislodged themselves from the screen. By this time Homer has made Mr. Burn's stock to go up another 8% which is 26% in all.

"Smithers, call Simpson's into my office this instant." Burns said, "of course." Smithers replied.

From the coms you can hear " Would a Homer Simpsons please report into Mr. Burn's office immediately. Would a Homer Simpsons please report into Mr. Burn's office immediately. That is all."

Homer was surprised and scared, he thought maybe he had done something wrong instead of right. As he was going to Mr. Burn's office all he could think of was that Burns was going to fire him. After a few minutes he finally made it into the office.

"You called for me boss," he said sheepishly.

"Yess, sit." Burns said as he tents his fingers. As Homer sat down, Burns started talking " Do you know what you e done for the past hour?" He questioned.

As Homer was about to beg to keep his job, Burns interrupted him and said "RICHER, that's what you've did. You have made my stock go up by 26 percent. And I want to keep getting richer! Do you know what you are? You are my golden ticket that's what and I'd like to keep my golden ticket."

"Well Mister Burns all I did was know how to do my job now" Homer tried to explain.

Burns nodded his head, " Yes knowing how to do your job, a common thing but it seem to these workers of Springfield it's a concept hard to follow. You're even more of a golden ticket than I thought. Here's what I'll do, from now on you will get 2.5 million dollars a month which equals to 30 million dollars a year." He hands Homer a contract, "If you sign this contract, 500 thousand dollars will be sent to your bank account as a starter and 2.5 million will be send every month on the 5th. What do you say?"

Homer didn't know what to say. In the past and the other future nothing like this ever happened, maybe knowing how to do his job was a great thing! But could he do this, it would be like shaking hand with someone far more evil then the devil himself.

Who was he kidding, "I'LL DO IT!!" He shouted. After he he signed the contract he shook Mr. Burns hands.

With this he can finally work on his secret plans that's been in his mind. He can finally give his family the life they deserve and the life he's always wanted to give them. The kids can go to better schools, the family can wear better clothes and they can finally move into a better house. Oh he was so excited!

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