For Real This Time

Start from the beginning

"Imma make this my thumbnail too," Aaron says as he kneels down to get a good angle.

"We all can't have the same fucking thumbnail," Brennen says jokingly. "I call dibs."

"You call dibs?" Sam asks incredulously, filming Brennen. "You can't call dibs on a thumbnail, dude! That's not fair and so not how it works."

Brennen lets out a cocky exhale. "It is now bitches! I called dibs on the thumbnail so you can all eat my ass!"

The others start groaning at Brennen's comment and start lashing back with their own playful arguments. Soon, they're all talking into an indecipherable cloud of speech, arguing about who gets to make the thumbnail of their video Colby sitting on the edge of the cliffside.

Colby chuckles at their antics and shakes his head, zoning out the arguing behind him. It's all in good fun, they're not actually mad at each other. They're mainly doing it for the footage, as Corey's shouting a bit all for the fun of the vlog. 

Rolling his eyes at the long overdone continual of the argument, Colby decides to get up and hopefully intervene enough to disband it so they can continue on their hike. The joke is getting a little old and he wants to preserve it as much as he can.

Leaning back on his arms, Colby sits up and plants his feet beneath him as he stands up. However, he stands right on the edge of the cliff which makes it start to split beneath his feet. Before Colby can react, a chunk of the rock gives out underneath him and he looses his balance. His body hits the ground and he starts to slip off the edge of the cliff, unable to grapple at anything. He cries out in shock and alarm and manages to flip himself over and grab the edge of the cliff, now fully dangling over the side of the mountain.

His cries get everyone's attention and soon, the five friends swarm Colby, shouting things trying to help him as they kneel all around him, shocked and horrified at the sight. 

"Yo, Colby, dude-" Sam begins, sliding to his knees as he tries grabbing onto Colby's arm.

"Colby!" Aaron, Jake and Elton all shout, as Elton drops his camera and comes up beside Sam, trying to grab onto Colby. He's the only one really calm in the situation, and he's just focusing on grabbing onto his dangling friend.

"Bro-" Brennen tries to push his way through Elton and Sam but ends up stopping after he realizes there's nothing he can do that they can't. So, he backs off yet still peers over at Colby, nervous beyond hell. 

Colby lets out a strangled yelp as his grip falters, and his eyes start watering. He's breathing heavily and quickly, already hyperventilating as he digs his painted fingernails into the rocks as much as he can. It's already slanted and he doesn't have that good of a grip to begin with so it's not working and he's slipping fast.

"Guys, guys-" Colby yelps, his body sagging as his grip loosens. "GUYS!"

Sam and Elton try hoisting Colby up but they're unable to grasp at him firmly enough to support all of him. They're all forced to watch, in horror, as Colby's grip slips and he slides off the edge of the cliff and plummets to the base of the mountain.

Sam catapults himself backwards as soon as he realizes Colby fell, covering his mouth as he starts to shake. Elton leans over the edge and watches, with wide eyes, Colby body as it falls. Corey, Aaron and Jake all come up behind Elton, screaming Colby's name as they peer over the edge behind him. Brennen yells "COLBY!" And he runs forward to where Sam used to be, looking down with wide eyes at the scene that meets him. They can't make out Colby's body through the trees and they're all about to cry, in too much shock to process what just happened.

"Oh my God..." Sam shouts, clawing to stand up. He manages to get to his feet and immediately starts sprinting down the mountain, letting out choked sobs as he runs as fast as his body will allow him, Colby the only thing on his mind. Corey and the others start shouting Sam's name as they watch him sprint down the mountain, taking a minute to comprehend everything before following suit.

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