River Song and Eleven quotes :)

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River: Hello, sweetie!


Churchill: What's she like? Attractive, I assume.

Doctor: Hell, in high heels.

Churchill: Tell me more.


River: You know when you see a photograph of someone you know, but it's from years before you knew them and it's like they're not quite finished. They're not done yet. Well, yes, the Doctor's here. He came when I called, just like he always does. But not my Doctor. Now my Doctor, I've seen whole armies turn and run away. And he'd just swagger off back to his TARDIS and open the doors with a snap of his fingers. The Doctor in the TARDIS. Next stop, everywhere.


Doctor: River Song, I could bloody kiss you!

River: Ah well, maybe when you're older.


River: It was never going to be a gun for you, Doctor. The man of peace who understands any kind of warfare, except, perhaps, the cruelest.


Doctor: Doctor Song, you've got that face on again.

River: What face?

Doctor: The "he's hot when he's clever" face.

River: This is my normal face.

Doctor: Yes, it is.

River: Oh, shut up.


Doctor: Why did you lie to me?

River: When one's in love with an ageless god who insists on the face of a twelve year-old, one does one's best to hide the damage.

Doctor: It must hurt. Come here.

River: Yes. The wrist is pretty bad too.


Doctor: Are you married, River?

River: Are you asking?

Doctor: Yes.

River: Yes.

Doctor: No, hang on. Did you think I was asking you to marry me or, or, or asking if you were married?

River: Yes.

Doctor: No, but was that yes, or yes?

River: Yes.


River: You, me, handcuffs. Must it always end this way?


River: I'd trust this man to the end of the universe. And actually, we've been.

Anita: He doesn't act like he trusts you.

River: Yeah, there's a tiny problem. He hasn't met me yet.


River: It's a long story, Doctor. It can't be told, it has to be lived. No sneak previews.


Doctor: Can I trust you, River Song?

River: If you like. But where's the fun in that?


River: Funny thing is, this means you've always known how I was going to die. All the time we've been together, you knew I was coming here. The last time I saw you, the real you, the future you, I mean, you turned up on my doorstep, with a new haircut and a suit. You took me to Darillium to see the Singing Towers. What a night that was. The Towers sang, and you cried.


River: How are you even doing that? I'm not really here.

Doctor: You are always here to me. And I always listen, and I can always see you.

River: Then why didn't you speak to me?

Doctor: Because I thought it would hurt too much.

River: I believe I could have coped.

Doctor: No, I thought it would hurt me. And I was right.


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