
It was 3am when Giovanni finally made his entrance. I had tried my best to wait for him but I crashed around 12am. I squeezed my eyes tight and laid still pretending I was still asleep and had not heard him come in. He carefully gets in bed then he snackes his arm under my belly and pulls my body close to him.

"I know your not asleep my love", Comes his hot breath in my ear.

I open my eyes and looked up at him. Even though the room was pitch black, I could still imagine how those stormy grey eyes were peering deep into me.

"I waited for you." I whisper.

He sighs sending a wave of cool mint and alcohol up my nostrils. I turned away and scrunch up my nose, "Ew your breath smells like vodka, G."

He curses, rolls out of bed then walks into the bathroom only to return shortly.

"Im sorry mio amore, I was so tired I forgot to brush my teeth. I know how the smell upsets you."

I run my hand through his dark hair, "aw you didn't have to get up and brush them though."

He brings the hand that was in his hair down to his lips where he kisses each fingertip. "For you I'd do it a thousand times over."


I wake up to the morning sun screaming in my face and Giovanni is nowhere in sight. Rolling out of bed, I rush to the bathroom as nausea hits me hard. It was getting better then the way it used to be. I used to throw up at least twice a day during my first few months.

Heading back to my bed, I kneel down to say my morning prayers for protection and good health of the baby. After showering and getting dressed into shorts and an oversize t-shirt, I head down for breakfast-well more like brunch actually.

An awkward silence fills the room as I enter and the men dont even send me a glance. I frown and pick up a plate filled with three waffles, bacon slices, and scrambled eggs.

A young maid stops me her face flushed red, "Oh no miss, your plate is this one".

She points to a tray that consists of a large plate filled with french toast sticks, sausage, croissants, and a bowl of fruits.

My mouth opens, "um..oh...thank you, really I appreciate it but I can't possibly eat all this."

It was a lie, I most definitely could but not in front of the men-and not in the way your thinking. Heck I could care less how they would judge me-a women stuffing her face with food. I think it would actually even be good for them to see that. Let em' know that some girls can eat and there isn't anything wrong about it either. It's just that there was obviously a difference in my food compared to theirs. Mine was overfilled and looked more thought out, better then their simple plates. I wasn't raised to do it and it wasn't in my heart to do so either.

"No thank you, I'll be more than fine with this", I told the maid.

The men glance at each other.

Her face goes pale and a look of anxiety takes over her, "B-b-but miss, this meal was cooked especially for you."

I narrow my eyes, "By the instructions of my husband right?"

She looks to the men then at me but doesn't reply.

I beam and place a hand on my heart, "Awe well how sweet of him."

She straightens up and her face regains color. I move over pick the plate up as well as a knife and fork.

Quickly I cut up pieces of bacon and french toast then walk around the table of men placing a little of both on their plates. I pick up an empty plate and set some on it as well, then I walk to the maid and take her hand. I seat her at a chair next to mine and hand her a fork.

I stab a piece of bacon and french toast then moan as the flavors spark my taste buds.

"You made this?"

She regains herself, "Vanessa, and yes I did".

I shake my head in disbelief, "This is really good, Seriously. Take a bite, what's the use of making something that you can't eat?".

Vanessa hesitates, takes a bite then smiles.

I nodd, "See I wasn't lying, I don't know everything but I most definitely know food. And this, this is good food".

She blushes.

The remainder of breakfast consists of me telling everyone my funny childhood memories. Both the men and Vanessa have now loosen up and even told some of there funny childhood stories.

Ben was talking about how he and his brother used to jump from the couch to see if they could indeed fly but it only resulted in broken arms. I grab my stomach in pain and I dab a napkin on my eyes as tears sweep down.

I was too busy laughing to realize everyone else had stopped and a deadly silence had now filled the room. The men had stood up from the table with their hands behind their backs.

Confused I turn around to see Giovanni dressed in a white turtleneck, black suit with black suit pants and heavey black boots.

I push up from the table, "Gio! I didn't know you'd be back so soon! We were just eating and talking about funny childhood memories. Come sit! I'm sure Nessa could fix you a plate".

I take his hand, pull it but he doesn't budge. I look up and finally see that his eyes were a dark grey and his jaw was tight. He wasn't happy.

"What is it?" I whisper.

His eyes snap away from me and to his men, "West Wing now."

As they march out Vanessa scrambles to pick up plates but he waves her away with a flick of a wrist.

I fold my arms over my chest, "That was rude Giovanni".

He ignores me, "What exactly are you doing Sophia?"

I narrow my eyes, "What am I doing? Well lets see, making friends, trying to have a nice time".

He grabs my arms and forcefully uncrosses them, "Having a nice time huh? You were trying to have a f*cking nice time Sophia! You think this is summer camp? My staff and especially my men are not your friends! Those same men you sat and had a good old laugh with are the same men who kill without mercy ".

Is he serious? We are hours away from Alessandro, Lace and Sienna. If I can't talk to them then who can I confide in?

My heart is beating so hard I was sure It was gonna break through the cages of my ribs.


I stop screaming as tears begin to fall, "I'm a stranger in your world and the only person I know is you. But your hardly ever home..."

He sneers at me, "I have to run this sh*t Sophia, I don't have time to play house with you".

I nod slowly, "Is this how it's gonna be like when the baby comes? You'll get mad when I talk to people in the house and we'll scream at each other all day long? Is this marriage going to end in a tragedy? Did we get married only to end up divorcing? If that's how it's gonna be then I don't want it. So tell me now so I can pack my bags and go. Save me the heartbreak".

He takes my soft small hands in his big rough ones, "No, please don't leave...your right. I don't want to raise our child like that either...I know what it was like. We said our vows before God, we ment every word. No Sophia, this marriage is till death do is apart".

He hands me his handkerchief, "But mio amore you must understand that I was upset because the closer you get with these people is the closer you get with this lifestyle and that only leads to death. I promised myself that I wouldn't let you come close to pain...the mental, emotional and physical pain that this world inflicts on me. Please don't leave, baby".

He brings my hands to his chest, this way I could feel the anxious beat of his heart as I held it in my palms.

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