Chapter 7: One of a Kind

Start from the beginning

She frowns as she climbs in, "I told you to dress casual".

I shut her door And head to my side and climb in, "This is as casual as I get baby".

She apply's lip gloss on, set's it on one of my departments then shakes her head, "We'll I'll have to help you with that later. But for now we have a birthday party to go to".


The front of the house is filled with children running around, children eating hot dogs, children screaming and children crying.

Never in my life have I seen so many kids at once. Sophia seems fine though, she kicks a soccer ball back to a kid and helps a fallen baby up.

"SoSo you came!"

I look up to see a little girl with a tiara on her head running straight at Sophia.

Sophia takes her into her arms and spins her around.

"Of course I came, I even brought a friend over".

She points behind her to where I stand, I walk closer to them and take the girls hand.

"Hi I'm Giovanni".

She nods, "You aren't trying to steal SoSo from me are you?"

I hold out my Pinky, "Not unless you plan on stealing her from me".

She studies me then locks her small pinkie with mine, "Deal".

The party goes fine and I try as best as I can to relax. Sophia's boss-the child's father- is actually a good guy.

Anybody can see from miles away the love he has for his daughter just as much as we can see how his wife is using him. She is clearly more then 15 years younger and I only hear her yelling at the kids to not do something.

We were seated in the backyard where Burgers and hot dogs were being grilled and the kids could bounce on the bouncy house Gust rented.

I look out to the back where Sophia has Samantha on her hip as she moves to the beat of MKTO's 'Classic'. I can't help but think she looks so beautiful dancing in the middle of those kids. With a smile on her lips, joy in her laughter and love in her eyes.

"She's a one of a kind".

I turn to Gust, "Yeah she's adorable, reminds me of my baby sister".

He takes a sip of orange Fanta, "I mean Sophia".

I look away, "Oh...yeah she's different".

He leans in closer to me, "She reminds me of a Lady I used to know. She was beautiful inside and out, Even the act of her laughing did something to me. But even though I was in love with her, I truly didn't understand she was a blessing. I was young, I fooled around with other girls and broke her heart too many times. She finally had enough and left and I saw that as my ticket to see more women without the guilt. But no matter how many women told me they loved me, I still felt empty inside, I still longed for the women who made me feel loved. Many years later God brought us together, and somehow she fell in love with me again. I was sick at the time but refused to go see a doctor because I thought it was Cancer which both my parents died from. Not even 2 months later she became pregnant and I finally got checked out. I had HIV".

I couldn't help but be shocked, "What!"

He nods, "She did too, she had a C section for the birth of the baby and 2 years later she died. How do you look your Baby girl in the eyes and tell her you killed her mother because you were a hoe? She promised me not to tell Samantha the truth and I wont. I've broken too many promises already".

I nod, "I wont tell anyone, you can be sure of that".

He takes another sip, "What I'm trying to tell you son is that one of a kind's are one of a kind's for a reason, they are the ones you marry. If you aren't ready for that stage then leave her but don't mess around and come back. Leave her and let a a real man marry her. But when you leave her do so without regrets and do so knowing It will be hard and it's rare to find another one of a kind".

I nod, "I understand, and I might not look it but I'm serious about her Sir".

He studies me then nods.

"Daddy can we do the water balloons now?"

"You can do whatever you want Princess". Gust says taking her hand as they walk back into the house.

Sophia sits down on Gust's chair with two baby's in her arms, "Aren't they beautiful Gio!"

I smile as the baby girl raps her fingers around my Pinky, "Are you thinking of kidnapping them".

She sighs, "I'm looking for the perfect moment but the Mother is too close. Just kidding, I would never steal someone's child from them, I'd go crazy if someone stole my baby".

I nod in agreement.

"Here hold her while I grab his milk".

She dumps the baby in my lap before taking off.

The child looks up at me and then starts to cry.

Sophia better hurry up.

"Sshh your OK baby Sshhh".

I cradle her in my arms but she continues to wail out. Then I remember seeing my parents stick their Pinkies in Lucia's mouth to comfort her when she would cry.

So I slip my Pinky inside the baby's mouth and watch as she calms down and sucks on it.

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