Chapter 8: Our thing

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He nods, "I want to get married too I've been with far too many women to know that sexual attractions don't fill you up. I wan't a wife who is Kind, smart, down to Earth, Charismatic, has a beautiful heart and soul."

I chuckle, "Are you quoting Jesse McCartney?"

"Oh baby, I might just be".


The next few days made me feel as if I were floating on clouds. Gio would stop in at my job and bring me sweet little things like, chocolate, books, food, and company.

He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet but I could feel it coming soon. Today-Sunday we went to Church together for the third time then afterwards he took me to an Italian restaurant where we got stuffed with pasta and garlic bread by his mother's close friend.

There is where he opens up to me a bit about his family which he hasn't talked about since we met. He tells me how his father passed away, how he hasn't gone home to see his mother and sister for a year now.

I can tell by the storm in his eyes that his father wasn't his favorite person, and I can tell by the ghost of a smile on his lips he loves his mother and sister.

I tell him about my deadbeat father, my mother who put men before her daughter, my grandmother who I cherished with my everything, and my best friend who has been there through it all.

I tell him how I would live in constant fear that my mother would get killed by her multiple abusive boyfriends. I showed him and taught him how my mother and I would say goodbye.

We would kiss our palms, make a fist put the fist to each other's heart then uncurl it. Then we would tell each other, "Hold my love safe in your heart till I come back to you".

I told him how it made me feel a little reassured that even if something happened to her and she didn't come home, she still loved me because she trusted me to hold her love safe in my heart.

From then on every time Giovanni and I depart from each other we would do the movements as our form of goodbye.

It's cheesy I know, but it became our thing.


Back at home I ring up Lace to fill her in about Gio and I.

"Wait so are you two official?"

"No not yet but I can feel it coming".

"AAHHH, I am soo happy for you Soph! like I seriously thought you were going to die a virgin!"

"We'll nothing about that will change. I'm still going to wait till marriage".

"Does he know? I think you should at least tell him so he knows your boundaries".

I bite my lip, "Your right, I don't want him to think I was leading him on and just playing with him...I'll tell him tomorrow".

"You guys are seeing each other AGAIN, boy this must be SERIOUS serious".

I laugh, "I hope so and I was also thinking if it's alright by you-and don't feel pressured to say yes but can I invite him to your birthday dinner?"

"Ugh! I was hoping you'd ask, that way Amir wont be lonely and so I can meet him for approval".

I smile, "Thanks Lace, I'll see you Friday".


Giovanni and I see each other on multiple times before Friday which gave me a chance to ask him about Lace's party and He say's yes.

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