44 | Spotlight (3)

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The plane was getting ready to land and Y/n and I were coming down from our highs. Well, at least I was. Martha woke up pissed at us questioning where Y/n even got the drugs from then flushed everything.

"I'm a grown-ass woman Martha! For fuck's sake! I can't do shit without you breathing down my neck!" She flops into her chair. 

"Your grandmother asked me to take care of you and that's what I'm going to do whether you want me too or not!"

"I can take care of myself!" she says with her head between her legs and her hands running through her hair.

"You sound just like your mom you know? That's exactly what she said before she overdosed. 'I can take care of myself, Martha. I don't need you' I let her go, I let her do whatever she wanted and she died. I'll be damned if I watch the same thing happen to you" 

Y/n starts laughing, a taunting laugh. "Well maybe if you weren't so fucking controlling she would still be alive" her voice drops.


Y/n holds her cheek, tears brimming in her eyes. Regret fills Martha's eyes and she reaches out for Y/n only to have her jerk away from her. "You're fired"

"Y/n-" I reach out to her.

She evades my touch and walks to the bathroom slamming the door. Martha sits in the chair close to the window and stares out of it with her hand on her mouth. A flight attendant breezes past me and goes to the bathroom.

"Miss Y/n. we'll be landing in five minutes I need you to take your seat"

"Fuck off!" she yells from inside the bathroom.

The woman stares at me for help. I walk to the back of the plane. "Baby please come sit with me" I lean my forehead against the door. She doesn't answer.

I knock. "Y/n?"

After a moment of silence, the door unlocks. I open it to see her putting eye drops in her eyes and then brushing her hair into a bun. She tops it off with sunglasses and then leaves the bathroom without a word.

I follow her back to her seat and she remains quiet. "Do you want to talk about it?"


The plane begins making its descent and once we're on the ground the doors open. Martha tries to say something to Y/n but she ignores her. She whispers something to one of her security guards and walks to the car. Martha calls out to Y/n again and tries following her but is held back. "I'm sorry Miss, I can't let you through"

Their conversation grows faint as we keep walking. I look back to see Martha crying and re-entering the plane. This whole thing between them is bigger than anything I know so I'll stay out of it.

"Is that my gorgeous niece?" Y/n's entire demeanor changes. Her once upset look now pure joy.

"Auntie Jo" she hugs the woman.

"Where's Martha?" she asks.


"Good, I never liked her" she shrugs. "Who's this fine piece of ass?" she links her arm with mine.

"Hey!" Y/n smacks her arm playfully. "That's my fine ass, this is Keith. Keith this is my Aunt Josephine. Jo for short." she introduces us.

"Nice to meet you"

The three of us walk to the car and get in. "I got you a little something" she holds up a baggie of pills. Y/n takes the bag from her and says thanks.

She offers me one but I refuse. I'll smoke a little weed here and there but hard drugs aren't really my thing. "Maybe you should slow down" I whisper to her.

Persuasion | Keith Powers Imagines *READ DESCRIPTION*Where stories live. Discover now