37 | Farfalla Nera (4)

676 28 11

Keith pov.

"You two...." I ask with my eyebrows raised staring between the two.

"For the second time, yes. We are all in the same boat here. Well except for you Mr. Fence" she says taking a jab at me.

"Right..." I pause. Those two, I-

She begins tapping her perfectly manicured nails on the table while leaning her head against her other hand. "So are you going to change your mind now that you know my dirty little secret or are we good?"

I snap out of my haze "we're good"

"Marvelous" she holds the papers up and kisses them before putting them away. "I have an idea. Something to satisfy everyone in the room. Sit James." James takes a seat on the other side of the table.

"Tonight, I want to have a session with you and James, I want to dive headfirst into your submissive side. Then for the next 3 months, I want you to study the material, schedule some sessions with Angel, dominate her and get comfortable with it all. When the three months are up I want you to take everything you learned and dominate me."

"I don't submit easily " she whispers. "Is everyone okay with that?"

"Sounds good to me," James says.

Angel nods her head yes. I also nod.

"Good see you boys tonight at the club, nine oclock," She says as she gathers her things. She places a sweet kiss on my cheek and goes to the other side of the table and gives one to James. She leaves us all as quick as she came.

"Let's uh- get back to work" I clear my throat exiting the room.

I go back to my desk and begin typing away. Y/n is still planted in my mind, where she will most likely remain for the rest of the day. Suddenly my phone dings.

Wear that suit you wore when we first met. It looked good on you ;) Bring a change of comfortable clothes too.

Done. I reply.


9 pm

"Mr. Powers how lovely to see you back here. Were you looking to stay above or below ground today" Mr. Gurrero nudges me in a friendly manner.

"Mr. Gurrero always a pleasure. I'm actually meeting the girl you introduced me to the last time. She uh- said to come by at nine"

"Ah, She's highly requested. But today is her day off. She must have taken a liking to you to do this for fun." he begins as he walks me to the elevator. "So, have you chosen a side"

"Both" I state.

"Interesting. Well, I have work to do. I believe you're looking for room number three" he says as the elevator doors close between us. I'm nervous but excited for what awaits me tonight.

I walk down the long hall to the red-lit room, I turn the doorknob and see James kneeling in front of a bed with his head down. The room was fairly large. There was a bed, a tv, two nightstands, there were whips, ropes and various items that I couldn't name lining the walls.

He stands up with slight relief washing over his face. "I thought you weren't gonna show," he says shaking my hand

"Nope, I'm here," I say still taking in the room.

"Sit your phone, wallet, keys, and anything that isn't clothes in the top drawer over there" he points. I do as he says and I empty my pockets. "Alright, she should be coming in, in any second kneel next to me" he gets on his knees.

Persuasion | Keith Powers Imagines *READ DESCRIPTION*Where stories live. Discover now