Ch1: Intro

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***Alexandra’s P.O.V. ***


                “Shut uppp…”

                I stretched out my arm and hit the off button on my alarm clock, with my eyes still closed. I accidentally knocked it off my nightstand and it made a loud cling! Sound when it hit the ground. I immediately opened my eyes and picked it up, jumping out of bed.

                “Oh, fuck, it’s Monday!” I said to myself. I’ve been doing that a lot lately, talking to myself. Quite frankly, I’m the only person that’ll talk to me, other than my dad, my brother, and my best friend Izzy. You see, I’m not exactly “One in the crowd”. In fact, I’m against being “one in the crowds”. Yup, I’d much rather be considered a freak than just another girl in my high school. Normal just feels so… boring.

                I looked at myself in the mirror before I went out to eat breakfast and sighed. My long-ish, black hair was cut in a way that would be considered “punk” and currently looked like a birds nest. Woohoo. This morning should be fun.

                I stepped out of my room and poured myself a bowl of Frosted Flakes. My brother, Brynn (Which is pronounced BRYAN, by the way,) had already beaten me to that table and was eating his cereal rather loudly.

                “Your hair’s a mess,” Brynn commented between spoonfuls of Flakes.

                “Mornin’ to you too, lil’ brubs,” I replied sarcastically. He chuckled, but said nothing more. It was a rather quiet breakfast, and it made me a tiny bit more eager to get to school so that I could see my IzzyBearz :3.

                Brynn practically inhaled the rest of his cereal and went upstairs to his room. I was 2 minutes too late.

                “Dammit, Alexandra, you really should have run a comb through that rats nest of yours, it looks dreadful!” my stepmom, Elaine, said, her voice slightly raised.

                “Yes ma’am. I’ll brush my “rats nest” before I come out of my room in the morning from now on,” I said. I could literally FEEL her glaring at me and I was trying my hardest not to get up and smack her. That may seem like an over exaggeration on my part, but you try putting up with this wench for about 5 years, see how you would feel.

                She said something underneath her breath about why my dad would allow me to get metal in my face. I ignored her and darted upstairs as soon as I rinsed out my bowl. I got dressed in about 3 minutes, so I managed to sneak in some extra time to do my make up in the bathroom. I had put on a Blood on the Dance Floor, All the Rage tank top, a pair of red skinny jeans, black and white converse, and some band bracelets. To top it off, I replaced my normal snakebite studs with ones with black rhinestones, and my earrings with little white rubber spike balls.  I managed to get my eyeliner on and draw a couple war stripes on my cheeks before I had to go. Thankfully, my dad is the one who drove us to school that day, or I would have suffered a major verbal attack from Elaine.

                                Little did I know that that seemingly boring, typical morning would also be the same morning that my entire life would change…

(Untitled for Now) (Botdf/Bvb Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora