Chapter 30: Tore Up

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry." Chris frowns. "Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Genesis shook her head no and requested to go upstairs to take a bath since overall she felt dirty. Like she's literally been dragged through the mud. She couldn't even understand her emotions right now. She wanted to be upset–beyond upset she was furious. She couldn't believe that a group of randoms came up to fight her for no reason at all. She could understand if she got into a encounter with one of the girls before but they were literally strangers. Strangers who target her because of who she's dating. She felt melancholic. Was this what her life destined to be like dating Chris?

Chris carried her bridal style up the stairs then helped her walk into the bedroom. She limped with the assistance of Chris into the bathroom and sat along the tub as Chris started her bath water. Genesis began undressing, pulling her crop top over head then pulling at her sweatpants from the ankles. Once she was in her undergarments, she gathered the strength to stand up on her own and face the mirror.

Her lips pouted and her eyes watered as she took in every mark, bruise and dried up blood on her body. She sniffled while reaching up to touch her lip. She understood now why Chris avoided her question, she looks hideous. As tears streams down her cheeks Chris approach from behind her after retrieving clothes for her to change into. He winced at the sight of his girlfriend in so much pain.

"I promise you that I don't know these girls, no matter what they're claiming. But believe me when I say they won't get away with this." Chris clenched his jaw.

Genesis shook her head and quickly wiped any tears that fell, "I know."

Oddly enough, none of the girls words got to Genesis. She trusts Chris and truly believes he isn't messing around on her. As for Jasmine? The only recognizable name that was brought up, she was going to get hers.

"Red and EJ went to go get your car, so don't worry about that." Chris blurts.

Then a sudden question fell on her shoulders, something that was picking at her.

"W-was this made public?" Chris sighs as he nods. "Where's my phone? I should call my family and let them know I'm fine before they read into this."

Genesis knew how much blogs can dramatically impact a situation into something drastically different. The last thing she wanted was her family or Giana to read into it and think she's in a coma somewhere.

"Don't worry about it, I got it. You relax."

Sighing Genesis got completely undressed and stepped into the tub. The warmth from the water release some tension from her muscles and she instantly felt better. Seeing how content she was, Chris left out the room and went back downstairs.

"Now how the fuck do we find these bitches man?" Jamal spat as Chris approached them.

"We can file a police report." Rob suggests.

"Yea and Genesis should press charges soon as possible." Sevyn butts in.

"Ion really know if I wanna get the police involved cause they don't do shit." Chris huffs while running his hand down his face. "I know one thing for sure. Somebody needs to be with her at all times now."

Chris considered the idea of giving Genesis her own personal body guard. The thought came to mind before but now it definitely needed to be in motion. If Chris couldn't be there to protect her then he had no problem paying someone to do it.

"I agree." Sevyn nods.

As on cue, EJ and Red walk in with Genesis' keys.

"Aye, did y'all see Genesis phone in there?" Chris asks since it wasn't on Genesis when she was picked up.

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