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Khushi stood rooted to the spot after Arnav left hurling those accusations at her even after proving her love for him and his family again and again...her eyes were tired of crying and mental pressure that she was being subjected to, she had thought speaking with Anjali di would make her understand but she never knew she would try to abort her child...ok what if she had not gone and spoken to di ..then it's not that all were treating her well before that mami hated her more for hurting her Anjali beta, jiji didn't want me to interfere in her marriage issues or speak to jiju, nani didn't want me to go in front of di and most importantly Arnav ji never said till now but now even he blamed me for the happenings in his life...mistakes can be erased isn't it??she thought...then she would be that eraser and wipe out her name from all of their lives not giving them a chance to complain....she stood up and wiped her tears as now she knew her tears would change nothing and no one would even care for her!!

Khushi went to washroom taking her clothes to take bath and start a fresh from now onwards...


Arnav was driving carelessly remembering all the incidents of past and his mother's death, his di's broken marriage and finally Anjali trying to abort her child and flashes of Khushi almost dying trying to save him came in front of the eyes making him press brakes of the car bringing the car to a sudden halt!!

ASR(thinking): What did I do?? How can I say all those to Khushi?? What if she leaves the house?? No, I cannot let that happen...I have to stop her!!

With that, he reversed his car and went back home hoping Khushi would not have left being hurt because of his words!!

He parked the car in hurry in front of RM and rushed in to his room and barged in to find Khushi standing in front of the dressing mirror wiping her wet hair...he released his breath seeing her still in the room ,he noticed that she saw him as he barged in but then continued her work without sparing any glance at him which made him confused!!

He had thought she would cry and shout at him and would have packed her bags to leave but here she was acting indifferently making him a bit worried seeing her reaction!!!

ASR(guilty): Khushi....I...

Khushi turned to look at him with expressionless face making him more confused and worried at the same time...

Before he could continue Mami knocked on the door with the plate of food and came inside the room...glaring at Khushi to which Khushi didn't show any reaction!!

Mami: Arnav bitwa...I have brought food for you as you have not had any food and its late so have it!!

ASR(softly): Thank you Mami...

Mami smiles and leaves the room giving a look to Khushi...

Arnav saw the food and there was only one plate and he knew Khushi had also not had dinner and considering Mami's hatred towards Khushi he realized that she would not have brought food for her!!

Khushi tied her hair with a small clip without bothering to the surroundings and took her dairy from the cupboard and went to poolside....

Arnav went to the kitchen and took one plate and was filling the plate for Khushi when Mami called from behind...making him turn towards her

Mami: Arnav bitwa what are you doing here?? I had got your food and its in your room for whom are you filling this plate...

ASR(softly): Mami...even Khushi has not had

Mami(angrily): Please Arnav bitwa didn't you see what id Anjali bitiya's condition only because of her....she didn't even think she is hurting the daughter of the same house and brothers and family members of the same person because of whom she could enjoy all these luxury!! She is living by having food earned by your money and hurting your own sister!! how much more shameless can she get!!

ASR(shocked): Mami!!

Before he could say anything he saw Khushi standing near the entrance of the kitchen having heard all the conversation they had!! She had neither tears nor her face showed any hurt she just left from that place silently...

Mami too saw this and left from there after causing enough damage !!

Arnav gulped seeing Khushi being treated in his house and took the plate and went to his room thinking ways to talk to Khushi...Khushi was sitting near the pool watching the stars when Arnav came and called her from behind!!

ASR(softly): Khushi....

She got up and looked at him with an expressionless face again...

ASR(softly): Have food as you might be hungry...I am keeping it here....

With that, he leaves to washroom hoping Khushi would have food at least as he didn't have enough courage to speak to her about anything...

He came out from washroom to see Khushi's plate missing and Khushi sleeping on the bed taking her side...he wanted to make sure whether Khushi had food or not so he went to kitchen and saw the plate in which he had got food for Khushi was washed and kept in shelf and he checked the dustbin and saw there was no food that was thrown in to it..finally being satisfied that Khushi had finished her dinner he came back to his room and took his side and slept seeing Khushi's face and fell in to disturbed sleep!!

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