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Mama was the first one to come out of the shocking state,

"Arnav beta, but how is this possible? Shyam had met Payal and their family during their engagement right?"

"No, Mama. Shyam had met Khushi in Lucknow and met her in Delhi and in fact he was the one who had gotten engaged to Khushi which got canceled later. The reason they hid because Payal's mom didn't want her wedding to be broken for the second time" - said Arnav shocking others to the core.

Nani -" is it true Payal bitiya?"

Payal could only nod her head in tears to Nani's questions leaving Akash dumbfounded by his wife's revelations.

Anjali stood numb looking at all these and hearing all these with new things being told and new information being shared. Mami Ji went and held her shoulders giving her support to her favorite daughter.

Nani " We can all this discuss later, let Anjali bitiya rest for a while. Manorama tries to take her inside the room."

When Mami proceeded to take Anjali inside is stopped by Arnav. 

Arnav " No Nani, today each and everyone will stay here and listen to whatever I have to say about Shyam and the things that I have found out".

Nani - but chote...

Arnav -" No Nani, I have heard enough and considered enough! I have been kidnapped by my sister's husband and was about to get killed if not Nk and Khushi's efforts to save me. But somehow when I want to talk about Shyam who might have been responsible for my death and still no one sees the intensity of the situation."

Khushi stood totally surprised as she never thought Arnav would want to talk about all this in front of his family, especially his beloved sister.

Nani - " but chote, why all this now?"

Arnav " Because the sister I trusted went behind my back and met Shyam several times and also gave money to him where I was trying so hard to save her and the baby but she went ahead and met her husband without even trusting her own brother who has lived his life for her".

At this revelation all looked at Anjali for answers, wanting to know if this was true!

Mama " How can you do this Anjali bitiya, what if he tried to harm you in our absence?"

Anjali had heard all this nonsense according to her shouted at the top of her voice " Why would Shyam ji try to harm me and our Rajkumari Mama ji? he loves both of us!

Arnav" oh really? then look at these bills and tell me, why did he go ahead and buy scorpion from the store using his credit card? why had he asked an unknown mechanic to get your car repaired just before the accident? why did he call the store, again and again, to confirm that the perfume he got would definitely catch fire if anyone using it is exposed to fire in a nearby distance? Do you think all this is just a coincidence? he was trying to get rid of you from his life for a very long time so that he could have Khushi!

Anjali (screams): Khushi! Khushi! Khushi! all this is the story told by her right? if Shyam ji was that bad we would have known it long before and why after Khushi has entered our lives suddenly Shyam ji is a bad person now! there might be a misunderstanding or since you had issues with your relationship with Khushi, she might have gotten infatuated with Shyam ji, and when he didn't respond to her advances both of the sisters cooked this story so that they don't get caught!

Khushi went back and sat with a thud on the sofa, she was tired and very tired. Every time each of these families hurled and questioned her character time again and again and he felt sick in her stomach now on how she thought of them as a family!

ASR" Enough! how can you say that from your mouth? I can't believe you are my sister now! I can't believe for you I went ahead and forcefully married Khushi to save your life!"

Akash, Payal, Mami, Mama, and Nani stood paralyzed hearing the words out of Arnav's mouth.

Mama -" Arnav bitwa please tell me whatever you told just now is not true and we heard it wrong"

Arnav- " No mama, I blackmailed Khushi to marry me for 6 months if not I would not let Akash and Payal marry each other." I know what I did was wrong and I am really so...

Before he could complete the sentence a hard slap hit his face his Nani who was fuming in anger!

Everyone again looked shocked seeing the old lady of the house raising her hand on the eldest grandson of the house!

Khushi's heart pained looking at Arnav as today he has to go through all the pain and regret and answer everything he has done till now!

Nani -" You are no different than your dad, ruining women's life is all you know"! I am ashamed of you today chote! I wish no one gets a grandson like you!

Khushi(shouts) - that's enough not even a word more Devyani Singh Raizada!

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