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After this drama, Khushi rushed upstairs to pack her bags and leave this Ashantivan where she was being humiliated on a daily basis.

"Di, please try to understand. Even if you don't believe in Khushi's words at least trust your brother's words " Arnav pleaded almost losing hope of making his blind sister understand.

Anjali beta, Arnav bitwa is telling the truth, he has all the proofs and you are still behind him and Khushi bitiya for what? Cant you see the reality for once? - said Mama not able to see the kids in front of him fighting and almost killing each other internally in the process.

Enough! All of you. So what if Shyam Ji had flirted with Khushi it was harmless and Khushi shouldn't have made it a big issue. Anyways she is the one who is extra friendly with everyone! - Anjali screamed in anger

" Are you out of your mind, this is all because of your foolish attitude and blind love he has been able to fool us for years now!". You are responsible for your state di and maybe even I am. But not Khushi so don't even bring her into this conversation.!! yelled Arnav barely controlling the last thread of his anger.

Anjali started laughing loudly making others think that she has lost it completely.

Anjali "Yes, it's my mistake but you know what? saving you a couple of years ago and falling and hitting myself and losing my leg was my mistake. I wish I hadn't taken that step and wouldn't have lost the leg. So now Shyam Ji wouldn't have been attracted to others because of my limp. You destroyed my life Arnav Singh Raizada and you destroyed my love and my ability to live a normal life! I wish I had never saved you!"

Arnav staggered back only to hit the sofa and Akash and held him seeing his role model almost on the verge of breaking down completely.

Arnav couldn't even think if it was a dream or reality where his sister wished he should have just died for whom he spent years of his life and punished his love for her happiness. Played with his cousin's brother's wedding. He just couldn't take it anymore and closed his eyes as his eyes engulfed the darkness before hearing the frantic cries of Khushi and Akash!!

Khushi who had come with her bags packed heard something that she never thought Anjali would be able to utter! but to her horror, she saw Mrs Anjali Jha uttering something that would break any brother let alone Arnav!!

But she saw sheer disbelief in Arnav's eyes and that's the same expression she had seen when he had known that she was engaged! Her heart went out to him as fate was not only against him but was continuously slapping him for all his mistakes and for some which were not even his mistake.

Before she could think further and process, she saw Arnav fainting and all she could do was drop her bags and run to him in her worry.

Khushi and Akash started calling out his name frantically and soon everyone gathered around him equally worried for him.

"Can we please take him to his room? NK please call the doctor " - Khushi said fully worried seeing him not responding at all.

"I will call the doctor NK Bitwa please help Akash to take Arnav bitwa to his room" - Mama said

Both Akash and NK took Arnav to his room with Khushi following them silently almost in panic.

Mama called the doctor to come home immediately and ended the call swiftly.

Whatever has happened shouldn't have happened today Amma, Arnav bitwa has struggled so hard for all of us, and how much he loves Anjali bitiya and to hear the things today and what she told him just now has pushed him to the corner. We are all not perfect people and not even Arnav deserves such words from us at least. Today I have lost respect for all of you including you Manorama! - Mama said without any hesitation.

At this statement, Manorama looked at her husband's face.

You never differentiated between Akash, Arnav, or Anjali Manorama! but you never respected their wives. You became so much blind in your daughter's love, you couldn't see how your other sons and their marital life were suffering because of you. After all this feel free to go ahead and support Anjali bitiya but there will be nothing to talk about between us if that is your decision. So think before you decide! saying this Manohar walked to Arnav's room to check on him.

Manorama sat with a thud after listening to her husband's words thinking - where had she gone wrong? In her attempt to not differentiate any kid, did she forget right and wrong completely? she looked at her Anjali bitiya who was returning to her room and started to wander - was she the same Anjali bitiya who could not even hurt a fly? and now throwing such hurtful words at her own brother and didn't even flinch while doing so. Where had she gone wrong? Was she a bad mother? why none of her kids were happy? She felt miserable and like a failed mother now!!

Within a few minutes, Doctor arrived checked Arnav, and put him on saline.

He is dehydrated and his BP is also really low. I have put him on saline and he will sleep for tonight you can just change the bottle after 5 hours and he should be fine by tomorrow morning - Doctor said

After Doctor left Akash silently left the room and NK stayed back with Arnav sleeping Khushi looked so tired all of a sudden!

I am tired, NK!!! I want to go out of this house but I can't now at least for today seeing him in such a condition - Khushi said almost in tears!

Khushi Ji, it's okay! you can stay back if you want to. I know Nannav has heard enough for today and he at least needs you by his side today - Nk tried consoling Khushi!

By then Hariprakash came running

Khushi Bhabhi, woh tip-top madam ayi hai aur aapko puch rahi hai! she is telling she came from London and she is asking for you. I dont know whom to call in this situation - HP said in a hurry and worried about her reaction

"Sorry, who????" - Khushi asked confused

"Woh Lavanya Kashyap! Arnav baba ki pehli Saheli!" - Hp said in a low voice

What!!!! was the only thing that left Khushi's mouth completely surprised by Lavanya's arrival!

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