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As usual everyone retired to their room with Nani volunteering to stay with her Anjali bitiya due to her condition. Khushi too entered the room to see Arnav pacing furiously in the pool's side and as soon as he saw her he came to talk to her which she already knew that would happen now!

ASR (softly): Khushi whatever di told don't take it seriously she didn't mean any of those she doesnt even know what she is saying.

Khushi (sarcastically): Really? From when did you become a mind reader because as far as all Raizada's I know except Nanhe ji and Mamaji apparently speak hurtful words from mouth but actually don't mean those including my sister Payal Raizada! But I wonder why I don't have that talent ??

She fakes thinking in front of him.

Khushi (excited): Oh!! I got it because I am not Raizada right or a temporary Raizada only for 6 months so I don't have that privilege like you people!!

ASR (hurt): Khushi please understand....

Khushi (angrily): That's enough!! you and your family have made my life a living hell playing and using me however you like!First you come and force me to the wedding to save your precious di and her baby and keep me in the same home where I am subjected to her husband's constant lusty attitude without being able to tell anyone or even you and your BIL gets you kidnapped after me trying to tell you 100 times that I was not at fault and then I risk my life to save you to get what?  for you to say ..I being the biggest mistake of your life and a sister for whom you did all these doesn't even listen to one word of yours and blames me characterless indirectly which once you have already told if I am not wrong!! You truly are siblings aren't you? Same dumb mentality and inability to see the truth when its is right in front of you!!! Shame on you people to treat the DIL of the house even though the temporary one in this way! I just wish no girl should get sasural like this and husband like you MR RAIZADA even if she has 0 proposals for marriage except for something like this!

Khushi just leaves from there and enters the washroom closing the door with a bang!

Arnav never felt worse than today to listen to these things from Khushi! And he had nothing to justify and what would he even justify he thought and left from there going for a drive!

1.30 A.M

Arnav came back home after roaming around the streets thinking about all the time he treated Khushi badly and how much she cared for him despite all that and finally came back home thinking to at least be able to sleep for sometime! But he was confused seeing everyone outside Anjali's room banging the room door and asking her to open the door whereas Khushi and NK stood next to the door totally not interested in the drama that was happening!

He went and asked them about what is going on?

ASR(confused): What is going on? Why are you all banging the door?

Nani(crying): Anjali bitiya is not opening the door chote I just went to get some water and she has locked herself in the room and I am worried for her!

Arnav was scared thinking she might harm herself again thinking so..

He just asked Akash to break open the door and he and Akash and even Mamaji and NK joined broke open the door to see Anjali standing on the stool and trying to tie the rope around her neck which was hanging from the fan above in order to commit suicide and so they ran and held her and forcefully brought her down who was acting like a mad person in total!!

Anjali(crying): I want Shyam ji leave me or else I will die get my Shyam ji back leave me...

ASR: Di you try to understand what you were doing? He is not a good person and he will try to harm you as well as the baby!

Anjali(crying)I don't know all that I want my Shyam ji back! Ooresle let me die! please get my Shyam ji chote!

ASR:Okay fine he will be there soon and I will get him. Is it okay now?

Anjali(crying)Really chote?

ASR: Yes I will get him for you di...

Anjali(smiling) :Thank you chote....I knew you would understand me and get my Shyam ji back!

ASR: Okay di ,you rest now ...Nani you stay here today!

Arnav leaves the room....

Mama sighs loudly seeing Arnav bend to his sister so easily and everyone retired to their rooms!

But Khushi gave a small smile seeing all these which confused NK!

NK:(confused) Khushi ji here I am angry seeing Arnav giving in for di's demands so easily and you are smiling! Are you seriously okay?

Khushi( smiles): He has not given in Nanhe ji...

NK looks at her confused

Khushi: What i am saying is think before, her one cry would make him so weak that he would do anything for her right but now even after crying and creating drama he wouldn't budge but then she had to increase her stubbornness to the act of committing suicide and if you saw his first words once they brought her down was "what were you doing" not like before he would go crazy seeing her like that even in that situation he was trying to put sense in to her brain and he agreed so easily and that is not ASR's style i am damn sure he has some other plan going on in his mind and he will play along with his sister from now on in her same field and she wont even realize that!

NK :I hope whatever you are saying is the truth Khushi ji....hope he does that..

Arnav's room


ASR:(sternly) Aman ask Rakesh to pick SHYAM MANOHAR JHA no matter wherever he is and get him to my secret place before I wake up tomorrow morning and do whatever is needed for that and I need him the first thing in front of my eyes tomorrow!

ASR ( thinking): Enough of your games Shyam Manohar Jha now it's time to give you the taste of your own medicine!

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