chapter 6

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Y/n Pov
So the next day I went to go get blue prints of the mall to find another way in the russians lab
"There's another way in" I say to Steve and Dustin "Through the air vents we could probably fit Dustin in since he's missing bones and stuff" I explain to them "Wait what Dustin is missing bones" Steve says in confusion "Yeah I have missing bones Steve but stop focusing on that" Dustin says
Steve opens up the air vent looks through it with a flashlight "You sure you can fit in here it's like really tight" Steve says "Yes I can fit remember no collar bones" Dustin says fitting himself in the air vent then getting stuck then Steve try's and pushes his legs in "Not my feet dumbass push my ass"Dustin says getting frustrated "What no" Steve says "Touch my butt I don't care" Dustin yells out then Steve try's but Dustin doesn't fit
Then the bell at the front was ringing and it was Erica trying to get more ice cream samples Then I got an idea

-time skip-
"So you want my to fit into that hole so I can open some door for you nerds" Erica says "Yeah and will be in radio contact with you the whole time directing you" I say "You know what your stupid plan sounds like to me child endangerment" She says "Erica don't you love your country" Dustin says to her "Well you can't spell america without erica" she says "Then don't do this for us do this for america erica" Dustin says trying to convince her "Alright fine but that means free ice cream for life" she says I roll my eyes at her and nod
-time skip-
It was night and the mall has closed it was time to put our plan in place Steve,Dustin and I were up at the top near the russians building entrance waiting for Erica to get through the vents "Alright nerds I'm in" Erica says off of the walkie talkie"Did you see anything" I ask "Yeah I see those boring boxes y'all are talking about" she says "Any guards" I ask "Negative" she says "Booby traps" I ask "If I could see them they would be really shitty traps wouldn't they" she says "Thank you for that" I say with sarcasm "I'm in" she finally says "Oh god" Steve says
We then all see the door open "Free ice cream for life" she yells out walking out of the entrance all three of us run over there

We get inside and open one of the boxes Steve opens in at inside we're these metal things "That's definitely not chinese food" Steve says "Um maybe you guys should stand back" he says Erica and I both stay back "No" dustin says "just step back" steve says "no if you die I die" dustin says to him "well okay" steve says I laugh for a second because of how much Dustin loves Steve then Steve opens it up and it's a tube of green stuff "What the hell" I say in shock
All of a sudden we hear cracking noises "Is that just me or did the room move" Dustin says "Booby traps" Erica says the noise was getting louder "Okay you know what let's just grab that and go" I say grabbing the green tube from Steve "Which button do I press Erica" Dustin says tapping the buttons "The one that says open" She says "I'm pressing that one it's not working" he says Steve walks over there "Just press the other button" Steve says then him and Dustin start to argue
Then the room starts to fall down and we all start crashing into the boxes and things I start to freak out then Steve wraps his arms around my waists and whispers in my ear "it's gonna be okay" I then nod and we all continue to scream of panic "Were going down we're going down" Steve says in panic "Yeah no shit harrington" i say It then stops falling and we all fall on the ground with boxes on us "Is everyone ok" I ask "Yeah i'm great after I found out russians can't design elevators" Steve says in an extremely mad tone pressing the elevator buttons again "I think we clearly established that those buttons don't work" I say "Yeah well there buttons Henderson they have to do something" he says back to me "Yeah if we had a key card" I say "What" he says and turns to me "It's an electronic doc meaning it won't operate unless we have a key card" I say going over to explain "Meaning we're stuck in here" Dustin says "Just so you nerds are aware I'm supposed to be spending the night at Tina's and Tina always covers for me but if i'm not home for uncle jacks party tomorrow and my momma finds out you three are responsible she's gonna hunt you down one by one and slit y'alls throats" Erica says "I don't care about Tina or Uncle Jacks party your moms not gonna be able to find us if we are dead in a russian elevator" Steve yells out "Hey what if we climbed out" Dustin says pointing to the top
Steve and Dustin climb up there trying to figure a way out I start to look around for a way out when I hear noises "Hey guys we have company" I say then we all hide as the russians come in then as the door beings to close again we all run out and we are now in the middle of the russians lab

a/n~ sorry for the late update I was dealing with some stuff so I didn't have time but I'm glad you guys are liking the book and thanks for 200 reads already

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