Judging Requirements

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The points will be up to 50:

- Plot — 10 points: To earn points on this we will see how you start it of and how you will deepen your plot. On this you will have to rely on the story itself being good.

   - Character development— 20 points: This will most likely be 10 points for Juvias character development and another 10 points to Grays character development, of course it can differ because another character may also get some spotlight and character development and they too can get you points.

- Grammar— 15 points: this will take in your spelling, punctuation and layout of the story.

  - Originality— 5 points: this will take in how original you are,  if you are using a cliché idea the whole way then points will be deducted.

  - 5 points— Judges CAN add 5 more points or less IF they think a story is REALLY good.

All of this will be out of 50 but you CAN get over than that.

Thank you.

Gruvia Awards 2020 [JUDGING]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat