You could say that this experience had changed Steve slightly in a way; he'd become less shallow for all it counts, Alice had to give him that. She could cut him some slack, she figured, but she knew she enjoyed sassing him and getting under his skin sometimes.

For Steve, Alice was just his girlfriend's nerdy best friend who had an immense amount of love for comic books and video games. He always noticed how she was the happiest around her two friends, laughing about some silly joke she'd crack and them shrugging at it. He knew she didn't like him all that much, and it bothered him a little, because everyone at this school adored him. He knew she was different. She had different opinions and was unbelievably smart, which was something he couldn't say for a lot of girls who went to this place. He always observed how she'd get extremely sassy around the people she didn't like which drove them crazy, and what drove him even crazier was how she was nice to everyone else but him.

As the two remained silent for quite some time, the teacher waltzed in hurriedly, yelling at everyone to shut up and open their textbooks so they could quickly get started. Alice narrowed her eyes at Steve who looked like he was about to drift off to sleep, as she spoke. "I guess we could be acquaintances."

Steve smiled.

• • •

For dinner that particular night, Barbara's parents had invited Alice, Nancy and Steve over. The blonde's father had agreed, knowing that the poor girl's parents were going through a really hard time because of losing their daughter. Alice's heart still broke at the fact that Barb's parents didn't have the slightest of idea about how their beloved daughter disappeared, and were unaware of the fact that she was never coming back again, ever.

The three decided to walk to her place, as Nancy's arm was intertwined with her best friend's. Both of them knew they had to stick together in this time of grief, and they knew that they'd gone through a lot with the truth they'd found out. They'd gotten closer than before, just to stick with each other during the worst possible times ever. It'd been particularly heavy on Nancy, considering that she thought it was all her fault. No matter how much time Alice spent trying to convince her otherwise, she wouldn't listen. That broke her heart even further. But she stayed strong for her best friend because that's what she deserved.

The walk was brief, and it was dark outside. Nancy suddenly spoke, "Alice, I got us two invites for Tina's Halloween bash. I forgot to mention it earlier." The girl just nodded in response, not really wanting to protest about how she didn't really feel like going. The weather was chilly, which is what caused Alice to thrust her hands in her jacket's side pockets. Her blonde hair were still down, and neatly combed. She was as nervous as Nancy, and Steve had noticed that, which is why he didn't really open his mouth much. The leaves under their boots were crippling as they made their way to the porch, and they noticed a 'for sale,' sign standing crookedly in their yard.

"Okay, ready?" Steve asked to the girls, who nodded their head in response. "Yeah."


Steve rang the bell and the door was answered to reveal Barb's mom, who was wearing a clean white dress and her brown hair were neatly pinned up. She greeted them all with a smile and invited them in, closing the door gently behind them. Before she could say anything, Alice wordlessly enveloped Mrs Holland into a quick hug, which the woman tightly returned. The words were left unspoken in the air, I'm so sorry for not being able to rescue your daughter. Steve smiled as Nancy cast an apologetic look to the woman, as they walked to the dinner table and begin eating.

𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐛𝐚𝐠 ━━ ❪ steve harrington. ❫Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora