Start of a New Life Pt. 2

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Seven years later

Y/n spent his years at the Ansatsuken Temple and the Shyrai Ryu Temple and even got his eye healed by Raiden: the god of thunder and learned how to fight in record time, he mastered sword fighting, usage of the rope dart, martial arts and control of hado or ki. Right now he was entering a bullhead with Ken, Ryu and Takeda as they were invited to Beacon by none other than Professor Ozpin.  Y/n was reading his book at the time while Ken was at awe at where they are going and wouldn't stop talking about it

Ken: "Can you believe it guys? We are headed to one of the best huntsman academy in the four kingdoms"

Takeda: "We heard you loud and clear Ken, you reminded us a billion times"

Y/n chuckled at the two as he continued to read, he then caught a glimpse of a person he recognized. She had black hair with red tips and had silver eyes, he smiled and tried to walk to her to finally meet her sister again....until she came in

Yang: "Oh I can't believe that my little sister is going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!"

Ruby glared at her

Ruby: "Yang leave me alone!"

Y/n growled under his mask and he went back to the others, Ryu noticed Y/n was mad and went to check on him

Ryu: "Y/n are you alright?"

Y/n: "Remember why I came to the Temple with Gouken sensei and Grandmaster Hasashi?"

Ryu: "You we're abused and neglected by you biological family why?"

Y/n: "*points to Yang* Blondie over there abused me with her family"

Ryu: "How about the other one?"

Y/n: "She helped me out every time I got a beating, she treated me the best out of all of them..."

Ryu: "I think you should forgive your abusive family, nobody deserves the cold feeling of guilt and hatred of a loved one..."

Y/n: "Ryu listen to me when I say this: I don't think they even loved me in the first place apart from my little sister"

Y/n watched as Yang got puke on her boots, he chuckled at it

Takeda: "Guys, we're landing"

They looked down to see that they made it to the Academy and the group got out of the bullhead and went together on the academy grounds

Y/n: "I'll meet you guys later..."

He then watched as Ruby was ditched by Yang which aggravated Y/n, he approached his sister and gave her a hand

Y/n: "Need some company?"

Ruby: "Oh thanks! I-"

She then saw the symbol on his chest and her eyes widen

Ruby: "Wait! Are you part of a clan?!"

Y/n: "Yes?"

Ruby: "Do you know Y/n?!"

Y/n smiled under his mask, he took of his hood revealing blonde hair and took off his mask

Y/n: "Hey little sis"

Ruby gasped and was in the verge of tears, she stood there a minute then tackle hugged her older brother

Ruby: "I missed you so much! You kept your promise!"

Y/n: "Of course I did Ruby, anything for my little sister"

She smiled cutely and Y/n ruffled her hair

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