"I wouldn't have thought you one to be interested in Heathers." Brooke laughed, handing the notebook back to Christine. Christine bobbed her head, smiling widely. She put the notebook back in her backpack, touching each of the musical buttons on it before she put it to the side.

"It's actually quite a good musical, and story, if you...ignore the fact that there's a lot of triggering topics," Christine replied. She reached over for her backpack and then hugged it to her chest. "Jenna found it and showed it to me." Christine confided, eyes alight with happiness. Brooke nodded, knowing how Jenna always seemed to know about everything. I should ask her abou--

"Next Stop, 64th and West street, also known as the stop for all of you high schoolers." The announcement jolted Brooke out of her thoughts. Brooke made sure that she had everything in her bag, and looked at Christine, her eyes twinkling with amusement. A small smirk appeared on Brooke's face.

"Are you ready for the first day of our senior year?" Brooke asked. Christine jumped out of her seat, now in the middle of the aisle in the train. She was posing, her backpack on, and her notebook and pen out, so it seemed like she was writing in a diary.

"September first, nineteen eighty-nine! Dear diary, I believe I'm a good person. You know, I believe there's good in everyone..." 


Inside the school, Brooke looked around for somewhere to wait around. Chloe and Madeline were making out by the lockers (Jenna getting a lot of pictures for later) and Rich and Jake were nowhere in sight. Brooke tried not to gag at Chloe and Madeline. If you're gonna do it, do it somewhere semi-private. Michael was in a corner playing on a Gameboy, and Jeremy was watching him with fascination. Christine glided over to Jeremy and Michael, proceeding to geek out about Heathers. Jeremy started talking to Christine, and the two laughed at what must have been either a funny reference or a regular joke. Brooke sighed and walked over to the water fountain, leaning over to drink from it, careful to not ruin her make-up.

She stood back up and looked around for someone to talk to in the few minutes before they were all unceremoniously rushed to class. Only Mr.Reyes, the drama teacher was unoccupied. Or, as Brooke recognized him, from his full-time job at the Hobby Lobby (There, he went by 'Paul'). Brooke groaned and walked over to him. Mr.Reyes smiled at her.

"Hello, Ms.Lohst!"

That's what I am...lost. Brooke thought. 

"I'm sorry, what?" Mr.Reyes said, looking at Brooke with an expression of confusion. Brooke jumped. Did I say that outloud?  She shook her head and smiled.

"Nothing, just....you know, senior year and all!" Brooke answered, hoping her smile was genuine enough to convince her teacher. He seemed fooled by it and shrugged. Brooke rubbed her arm, glancing to the side, before focusing back on what Mr.Reyes was talking about.

"It is indeed a big year. You'll be graduating! I remember my graduation from here. It seems like just only yesterday..." Mr.Reyes' eyes glazed over, no doubt he was remembering his graduation. He snapped back to attention and turned to look at Brooke, clapping his hands together. "Oh, I do hope you will join this year's after-school play. Last years was deemed incredibly successful. The audience enjoyed the effects and choreography we had, so we have a bigger budget this year!" Mr.Reyes cheered. Brooke gave Mr.Reyes a thumbs-up and then walked into the classroom, taking her usual seat in the middle. She set her bag down, and took out her composition book for this class, opening it and doodling with her yellow lemon pen. 

The rest of the students filed in later, Chloe and Madeline having an incredibly heartfelt and tearful exchange in the doorway, before Madeline went to her class. Brooke attempted to not make any comments on that, but noticed that Chloe sat down next to her. Oh yes, the only class Chloe has with me this year. "Oh my god, Brooke, you will not believe what's going on with Jake." Chloe smiled. Brooke sighed and attempted to listen to Chloe, but there were too many other thoughts in her head at the moment. "So like, Jenna Rolan told me that during the beach party last week Rich and Jake totally fu--"

"Ms.Valentine, I would rather you discuss such matters after class," Mr.Reyes announced. Chloe frowned, before nodding and pulling out her phone. He'd ask for the news later, most likely from Brooke. Mr.Reyes shrugged and started teaching. "Now on the subject of Shakespeare's famous tragedy..." Brooke was only half-listening, thinking about what she was going to do when Mr.Reyes cornered her for the details on Rich and Jake. She was interrupted in her thoughts by a slip of paper on the corner of her desk. It was in red pen. Michael. She turned to look at him. He raised an eyebrow, his eyes looking at the paper next to her. Brooke looked at the paper.

Are you ok? ~M

Brooke scribbled on the backside of the paper, folding it in half, and holding it behind her for Michael to grab. He grabbed it, and opened it up, looking at what she wrote. Brooke had scribbled out her first answer, but it was still somewhat readable.

N̶o̶t̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ Yeah, I'm okay. -Brooke

Brooke absentmindedly doodled on her notebook, drawing little sunflowers or swirls. When class finally ended, she closed the notebook and stood up, collecting the rest of her stuff. Brooke slung her bag over her shoulder and walked out of class, keeping a confident air around her so that no one would think anything was wrong. Mr.Reyes did not in fact corner her. Instead, Chloe approached her again, her strut sassy, sparkly jacket reflecting the light that shone upon her.

"So like I was saying, I heard they did it in the show......er, Brooke? Are you listening?" Chloe asked, her earrings swinging as she moved her head.

"I'm sorry, Chloe, I'm a bit tired right now. But you have to tell me all about it at lunch!" Brooke turned away from Chloe and walked to her locker. Turning back to look at Chloe, she saw Madeline latched onto Chloe, smiling. Brooke frowned, turning her head back to her locker. She opened it and stared into it. Madeline acts like she can't live without Chloe. So clingy. I can't believe it. Brooke adjusted the small mirror on the door of her locker, before slamming it shut and making her way to her next class. 

((Thank you for reading the first chapter of "Lohst Without You". Hope you're enjoying it.))

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2019 ⏰

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