Chapter Twenty-Three: Quality Time

Start from the beginning

Ryoma: A relay of sorts, it seems.

After hearing her statement, Ruby began to mock Weiss, acting high and mighty as she spoke.

Ruby: Oooh, look at me! My name's Weiss! I know facts! I'm rich! I'm in love with a Tenno boy!


Weiss: (-_-)

Ruby: Ha ha ha!

Weiss: Knock it off! Besides, the only reason we're here is because you like the tower so much! We could have just as easily made a call from the library!

Ryoma: You're kidding, right?

Ruby: I know, but it's so coool! Ooh, I'm going to take a picture!

Reaching for her scroll, Ruby, in all her excitement, accidently launched the device out of her hands and onto the pavement. As it bounced along the cement pavement, the device stopped at the feet of a familiar face.

 As it bounced along the cement pavement, the device stopped at the feet of a familiar face

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Penny: Oh!

Reaching down and grabbing the device,  she handed it back to Ruby.

Penny: You dropped this.

Ruby: Penny!?

Ryoma: Who?

Penny: Uhh....

Ruby: Where have you been? We haven't seen you for a long while!

Penny: S-Sorry. I think you're confused.


Ryoma: Very.

Penny: Uh... I've got to go!

As she turned to leave the three of them, Weiss was the first to ask.

Weiss: What was that about?

Ruby: I don't know, but I'm going to find out.

Running towards Penny, away from the group, Ruby yelled out to the two of them as she did so.

Ruby: You guys go make your call!

Weiss: Wait just a -!

Ruby: I'll meet up with you later!

As she left the group, Weiss sighed angrily before looking back at the Tenno.

Weiss: There goes our leader...

Ryoma: Yes, but she's doing it out of the care for her... whoever she was.

Wrapping his right arm around her back, the Tenno also noted.

Ryoma: Besides... it's just the two of us for now.

Weiss: Yeah, you're right. Who knows how long we'll have this time alone.

Ryoma: She can always call.

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