9; alone with who?!

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he gave a smirk, "still putting on a damn act?" he muttered under his breath. he walked over to her a kneeled down, picking up her yogurt that fell on the floor.

luckily it didn't land upside down, he picked it up and ate it. "so how long have you known shino." he said, sitting on the bed.

he was deciding on whether to mess with her or get something out of her. "u-um... s-since we were four..." hinata replied.

sasuke 'tsked' and gave her a glare. she stood up slowly, making sure that she didn't flash him with her underwear or anything. she backed away and cornered herself in front of the bathroom door.

"what? are you... scared?" sasuke  said, sitting up from the bed, slowly walking towards hinata.

she averted her gaze away from his. "n-no..." she stuttered. this was more intense than it was with mr. orichimaru, she was more... scared, more pressured.

he walked his last step, and stood in front of hinata. sasuke took the cold water bottle in his hands and opened it. he drank some and then-

poured the rest onto hinata's white shirt and head. she silently stood there. playing with her hands, holding her tears back. he waited for a reaction.



no screaming, nagging, no loud sounds. she silently stood there. looking down at her toes.

sasuke forced her chin up with his hands, wanting to see what expression was on her face. but when he saw it, he felt something he never felt before.


tears were in her eyes and she was quietly crying, trying to hold back her sniffs and sobs. he kept her face in his hands.

he put on a scowl. then he smirked. "have you had your first kiss yet?" he said, looking down at her.

her black bra showed through the transparency of the white shirt. "n-no..." she said with a stutter. she said it in fear, hesitation and shame.

that put a bigger grin on sasuke's face.

he leaned in for a kiss.

hinata widened her eyes in shock and tears came from her eyes more. she pushed him away and ran all the way to the game room where the three always played. she hid in a little spot between where the drawers and sofa was.

she always hid there when they played hide and seek.

she sobbed loud but she tried to keep quiet.

sasuke stood in shino's room witnessing what had just happened, he 'tsked' and then as he was about to walk out of the room. the hyuga's phone vibrated.

he waited for the hyuga to return, he wanted more of her little reactions. she was so... odd. different.

most girls would drop their panties over a little kiss like that- but she- she cried? "fuckin annoying." he muttered under his breath. he was hesitating, wanting to see who texted her, should he do it?

"tsk." he muttered, taking her phone.

'are you alright nata? i'll be back in ten minutes sorry, there was an incident that happened when i was walking to the store. have you eaten yet? i'll bring food for you when i come back.'


the text was from shino, shino called her, 'nata' ? since when did he give nicknames?

this is all getting so fuckin annoying.

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