Chapter 2:mother load

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Elizabeth's P.o.V:

 "Hello?!" I yelled running down the steps. No reply. I could've sworn I heard footsteps. It was still dark, and I ran down the steps. I could barley see my hand infront of my face, let alone my old, worn Converse, that were untied. I screamed, as I fell down a long flight of stairs, and into someone. He fell back suprised, and I fell ontop of him. I could just barley make out the clothes he was wearing. Sh*t, no. Please don't let it be him. That'd be so embarrassing. As I looked at the guy who had, erm, cushioned my fall, I found myself staring into the deep bron eyes of Austin Williams. Austin freeking Williams. The guy I'd been crushing on since 7th grade, (I was Juinor) and  the guy that half of the female, and some of the male, population at Lincon, would kill to be in my position.I realized I was staring at him and I got up quickly. "I-I'm, I mean, erm, sorry." I mumbled rubbing the back of my neck with my hand.

  "No, no, it's my fault. I shouldn't have, um, been walking up the stairs?" He laughed, smiling that amazing smile, with thoughs perfect dimples. I laughed nervously.

"So, are you locked in too, Eliza?" He asked, tilting his head adorably. HE KNOWS MY NAME!!! And he gave me a nickname!!

 "Yah, the snow is blocking the doors, and my cell has no signal and about to die." I said leaning aganst the wall. He followed suite. "I was hoping to get home so I could finally see my dad, but it looks like neither of us are leaving anytime soon."

 "Haha, thats funny, I was staying late to avoid my dad." He looked at me seriously. "Why do you need to see your dad?" 

I gave him a serious look. "My dad is home from his third tour in Iraq. I haven't seen him in two years. I miss him like he**."


 "Oh, I'm sorry. That must be hard." He mumbled looking downat his knees. We just sat their for a few minutes, untill we heard a noise.

 Austin's P.o.V:

I heard a girl scream. Paniking, I started to run up the stairs. Somethings stopped me. Before I knew it, I was lying on the ground. I sat there for a minute, rubbing my head. Then I looked up, to a pair of beautiful blue eyes, staring at me. I tried to remember who it was for a second, and then it came to me. It was Eliza Channing, one of the prettiest girls in our school. She looked like she couldn't speak. What was she doing here? She mumbled something that I couldn't understand. I spoke up.

"No, its my fault. I shouldn't have been, erm-walking up the stairs?" I said. Nice going Austin, I told myself. Way to look cool. She just smiled. For a couple minutes, we talked. It turns out were snowed in, and Eliza's dad's in town and now she can't see him. I know my dad's a pain, but at least I see him everyday. She never gets to see her dad, since he's in the army.

"Oh, I'm sorry, that must be hard." I told her. Then we heard a noise. We bolted down the stairs and towards Mrs. Cooper's room. I could see a dark figure in the door way. I grabbed for the handle, and Eliza took a step back, raising her hands in the air.

 "You can go in their, but I'll wait out here..." She said raising her eyebrows. I laughed, before going in.

  "Hello? Anyone in here?" I asked to no one in particular. I was about 10 steps in, when I heard a crack, and was pushed to the groung by a large Christmas tree. I groaned under the weight, and heard Eliza run in.

 "Oh my gosh Austin, are you okay?" She asked.

 "Yah. I'm fine.. Just chillen' with this big a** Christmas tree on top of me. No bigie." I said sarcastically. She laughed and I felt the tree being lifted off of me.

 Elizabeth's P.o.V:

 I grabbed Austin's hand, and pulled him up. I pulled with a little too much force, I guess, because, still pulling on him, Ir ran into the back wall, and Austin came with me. His lips came crashing into mine, which suprised us both, but neither of us minded. I melted into him, after the shock dispersed, and we broke apart after a few seconds. It was a quick chaste kiss,but my lips were tingeling from where his had met mine. I took a step back and rubbed my neck enbarrassed.

 Austin's P.o.V:

 It was an accident, it truly was. But I diddn't regret it one bit. I chuckled as she looked at the ground, embarrassed. At that moment, perfect timing, my stomche growled loudly.

  "Hungry, dude?" She asked, laughing. My turn to be embarrassed.

  "I guess so." I patted my stomace. "Lets see if the left us anything in the cafeteria.." I said before we ran off to the caf. On the way, we flipped on lights.

 "Race you to the fridge!" She yelled pushing past me, sprinting towards the large fridge.

  "HEY!" I yelled, laughing as I raced her to the fridge. She beat me their.

 "HOLY MOTHER...... WE HIT THE MOTHERLOAD!!" She yelled excitedly. We had indeded.



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2012 ⏰

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