15. Words cant express your beauty

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Standing by my bed and examining my appearance, I felt excitement bubbling up in my veins. Usually it was me who initiated the events in our relationship, so I was surprised and completely when Vic told me he had something special planned!

I wore a black suit and white shirt with a tie, I even polished my black shoes and everything! (He said it was going to be somewhat fancy.) I tapped my phone one last time, 6:57.

I didnt have to wait for long though, soon I heard the rattle of Vic's (dads) car.

As soon as I knew he was there I skipped out the front door and flung myself into the car.

"Hey I-" Vic started, but I was already kissing him, luckily he didn't seem to mind. When we finally pulled away breathless, he broke the silence, "Well hello!" He chuckled as if he couldn't believe what was happening.

"Heyo." I replied with an equally big smile, "So where is my wonderful boyfriend taking me?"

"You'll see." he said and started up the car. The journey to where we were going was filled with our favourite music as usual.

When we eventually parked up, Vic took my hand and led me down a dark alley. "Now I'm worried you're going to kill me." I mumbled jokily.

"Dont be silly!" He replied and gave my hand a squeeze.

We were soon stood in front of a fancy looking Italian restaurant.

"Daaaamn, I've never been somewhere like this before." I breathed.

Vic just smiled at me, looking pleased that I liked it.

He took me right to the back of the restaurant where it was cosier and more secluded. We were greeted by an Italian man who, lets say, was rather on the large side.

"Ah! Mr. Fuentes! I see you have company." He said with a wink, "What will it be today Señor?"

"Whatever you would recommend." Vic smiled, and looked at me expectantly.

"I-uh um, t-the same for me p-please." I stuttered helplessly. Talking to people I know? Cool. Its fine. If I don't? Not so great.

"Are you okay," Vic asked me once the waiter had disappeared.

"Yeah, just...nervous I guess." I mumbled. He kissed me on the nose- an odd but adorable way of reassuring me.

The food was soooo good. I swear it was the best thing I've ever eaten. We were talking between mouthfuls, about school and life and all those sorts of things you end up rambling about when you get talking. We avoided any sad or sensitive subjects much to my relief, I didn't want anything to ruin our perfect night.

"Will you be needing a room Gentlemen?" The friendly waiter came over to ask us.

"Yes please, a king size room." He replied.

"Vic!" I cried incredulously. He had told be to bring an overnight bag, but I presumed I would be staying at his house. "I cant let you pay for all this!"

"Yes you caaann!" He said with a massive smile.



"What am I going to do with youu!" I laughed and kissed him," Thank you babe."

"You are very welcome." He replied.


We finished the delicious meal and were shown to hidden away staircase. I wouldn't call it posh, but it was really nicely decorated and the cosiest place ever. We reached the top of the rickety staircase and I looked around at the cream coloured walls lined with candles. The waiter was already standing across the landing, holding open an arched wooden door that presumably led to our room. We ducked under the door frame, and a rather romantic scene was set out in our room.

There were flower petals scattered on a double bed and there were candles flickering here and there around the room.

I would be lying if I said I didn't feel like a teenage girl being spoilt by her boyfriend, I guess thats what I was, just not a girl.
"Sleep well gentlemen." The waiter said with a wink, then left us alone.
I stood for a second, my mouth hanging open, then because I had no idea what to say I flung myself at Vic and kissed him. Sparks exploded in my heart and sent shivers all over my body, everywhere his skin touched mine I felt a sudden warmth and belonging. We backed into the room, still not parting lips. I abandoned our bags on the floor and we continued to inch back until we hit the soft bed.
Vic was apart from me for a few seconds as we crawled across the sheets and I wanted him back so badly.
We lay facing each other and I just stared into his warm brown eyes, so full of love and excitement. Soon though, Vic gripped my waist and pulled us so close, it was impossible to be any closer. His lips were on mine again, soft at first but growing more passionate by the second. I felt myself melt against him and for a moment it was like we were one person.
He pulled away breathing hard, "Do you want this?"
I had realised this was going to happen and I thought I would be way more nervous, but all I wanted was: him, and me, together.
Nodding I saw a smile curve across Vic's lips and felt myself smiling also.
"As long as you're sure." He said.
"Oh I am." I reassured him,"I love you."
"I love you too." Vic smiled.

***Insert smut here***

Waking up with Vic is by far my favourite thing. The way his body fits around mine, its just perfect. I am somehow the little spoon even though I'm slightly taller, but it works like that, it feels right.
Slowly, I turned to face Vic, being careful not to wake him up. Watching people sleep is meant to be creepy, but it didn't feel weird watching Vic looking so peaceful. His mouth was slightly open and locks of hair lay across his face. As if by instinct I reached to brush the hair from his eyes and he stirred.
"Good morning cutie." He mumbled and buried his face in my neck.
"Morning sleepy head." I chuckled and hugged him close.
I thought perfect moments didn't exist but, they really do.


A/N: Hello sorry for the lack of updates (and smut). I have been writing a halloween story (This is halloween {Cashby}) go read it if you would like c:
Aaaand I don't wrote smut so just imagine it was there...byeee!

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