Chapter 8 Damon's Reaction

Start from the beginning

"What do you need to talk about Jer?" I say. He starts pacing the room and I can tell from his heart he is nervous. I stand up and walk up to him, putting my hands on his shoulders and turning him to face me. "Jer, calm down and talk to me" He stares into my eyes and takes a deep breath.

"Cassie, when your around me, I get this feeling in the bottom of my stomach. At first I didn't understand it, then I realized, it meant I was nervous. At first, I thought that was weird. 'why would I be nervous around my best friend?' I thought. When I finally could answer the question...I felt so stupid" he says, saying all of this in one minute because he is talking so fast and I am barely able to catch what he says.

"Jer, what are you talking about?" I ask, my stomach starting to twist.

"Cassie...I'm in love with you" he says. My heart stops. His heart never skips a beat, it never even slightly beats faster or slower.

" can't" I say. Jeremy frowns.

"Why not?" he asks.

"Because, you can't" I say.

"Is there someone else?" he asks as if he knows everything.

"What? No, Jer. There's no one else, but you can't love me. Were just friends...I'm sorry" I say. I let him go and walk to his door. As I open it I say "Call me if your not to upset with me." I then walk out of his room and out of the house.

One hour later

I am sitting at Mystic Grill, trying to drink away the awkwardness I feel. I am drinking a bourbon and it is my twentieth one I have had today and I am just now starting to feel a buzz. I down the drink and get another refill just as the door opens and Damon walks in. Lately I had been trying to ignore him like he had me but this time, instead of sitting on the other end of the bar, he sits down right beside me and orders his usual bourbon as I down mine again. We sit in silence and keep drinking until, finally, he speaks.

"So I heard that baby Gilbert asked you out" he said. I contemplated answering him while I down another drink. I decide to humor him.

"Yeah, and? What's it too you?" I ask.

"I also heard you turned him down. what, waiting for someone else to confess their love for you?" Damon asked, then smirked. I grit my teeth but didn't respond with a snarky comment because if I did, that means he would have won. But, deep down, he was right...because I was waiting for someone else...and to top it all off...that person was him. But I don't say any of this. I say something else instead.

"Yes I turned him down, and no there's no one else" I say. I feel my heart beat rise and Damon smirks so I know he heard it. The buzz I had started to feel gets deeper as I keep downing my drinks.

*Break In Time*

For some odd reason, Damon and I keep talking and talking until we both are full blown drunk. By then, the grill is closing and Damon is taking me back to the boarding house to 'talk' more. When we finally get there, no one is home and Damon and I sorta stumble to the parlor, where he happens to have his own bar! He pours both of us a drink and we both down it. we start talking again.

"So, you nver did tell me why you tuned down babe Gibert" says Damon, his words slurring. I laugh at his words slurring. I step closer to him till our faces are merely inches apart.

"Well, I tuned him down bekase there is someon ele" I say, my words slurring as well. Damon laughs too but then I see curiosity in his ice blue eyes.

"Who is that?" Damon asks, his words not slurring at all. I lean in so close that our lips are merely centimeter's apart.

"You" I say. Damon seems to freeze for a second but then his lips are crashing against mine in a sloppy but passionate kiss.

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