Event-fookin tagged for some reason

39 6 8

So uh I got tagged by ChickenNuggets3153 ig
1: Do you like someone
With all mai heart beotches
2: Do they like you bacc
3: Middle Name
So I WaNt my middle name to be Lillian-Rose, but...it's just Rose. S a d n e s s
4: Single Pringle or Taken Bacon
It's complicated
5:Last person you texted
Mai senapiiiiiiiiiiiiii :3
6: Last song you listened to
Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol uwu gud songg
7: battery percent
8: Best girl Friendo
Uh... My friend Brook owo
9: best boy friendo
Probably Alex tbh
10: otp
Dust x Horror x Killer
11: why u made ur account
Cuz my parents kicked me off my other one
Depression 1000
12: current lock screen

 My friend Brook owo 9: best boy friendo Probably Alex tbh 10: otp Dust x Horror x Killer 11: why u made ur account Cuz my parents kicked me off my other one Depression 1000 12: current lock screen

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13: Birthday
12th of May
14: tag 20 peeps
I'm too lazy tbh so yeah
But expect art or a oneshot out today or tomorrow (hopefully)
Ya yeet,

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