Why The Fuck

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Why The Fuck

I want to do something. Ya know? Something like in those books that I can’t stop reading. I want to have a conversation with someone that makes no sense but at the same time changes the way I feel about everything. I want to say something real, and―and―I want to stop second guessing myself. I want to endure something that ends and learn from how I feel about it. I want to say fuck more. And go skinny dipping, and make out in the closet of a random person’s house during a huge kegger, and then buy some weed and get high, just so I can surprise someone by saying I have, and even if they don’t believe me, I’ll know it’s the truth―and I can smile one of those knowing smiles that i've always wanted to smile. I want to talk about something entirely arbitrary, like Alexander Hamilton or why our parents suck, not about love, or Twilight, or coloured contacts. I want to feel witty and beautiful and free, but I want it to make me grounded and knowledgeable in my reactions, in my existence, and most importantly, in why the fuck I’m supposed to be here in the first place.

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