Chapter 6

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     Today's the day. The day the love of my life gets married to another woman. A rather nice and caring women. Everything that Benny deserved. I could stand the thought of standing right behind Danielle when her and Benny say their vows. It'll tear my heart in two.
      I didn't feel like getting up from bed. I wanted to stay in bed for the rest of eternity. I didn't want to go to this fucking wedding or be some stupid maid of honor.
       I go to lay back down on my pillow when my door flies open and in walked in Benny Rodriguez himself.
      "Hey, let's go out," he said quickly, sounding slightly out of breath. I crease my eyebrows and stare at him.
        "Ummm...okay?" I bet my voice was still raspy from sleep. Benny chuckles and walks out of the room, telling me that I have 10 minutes.
        Hopping out of bed, I rush to my dresser and picked out a pair of black cargo pants and an army green tank top. Quickly, I wrap my hair in a messy bun and rush to slide my shoes on.
        When I walked to the stairs, I saw Benny standing by the door with his hands in his pockets. He looked tired. His hair was all ruffled up and it looked like he just through on whatever was next to him. A black t shirt and white nike sweatpants. I made the mistake of throwing on whatever jacket I saw first in the closet without thinking about it. Which happened to be Benny's old baseball jersey that he gave me when I moved. The one that said, Rodriguez with the number 30. Oh this was going to look so bad from Danielle's point of view. But knowing her, she probably wouldn't even think twice about it. 
      As I walk towards him, I notice that the house is buzzing with people running around and going in and out of the house. Probably preparing for the wedding. No wonder Benny wants to get outta here. It's complete chaos.
      Benny's face lit up when he spotted me and my heart flipped. But then I remember, he's getting married today and My heart deflated just like that.
       "Do you like coffee?" He asks, opening the front door. I walk out and we head towards his car.
       "Do boys have d-"
        "Not if they get it removed," he cuts he off. I turn to him with wide eyes.
         "What? Can that happen?"
          "I don't know. Probably not," he shrugs. We hop in his car and take off. I didn't know where we were going so I stayed quiet the whole ride with my head on the window. I would see Benny peel glances at me out of the corner of his eye.
          "Eyes on the road please. I don't want to die today." Or maybe I do. Ha ha, just kidding.
Benny's face flushed and he averted his eyes straight back on the road. I smirk.
        "Remember that time when he hopped in that car to escape those teenage boys after my house was broken into and we went to jail cause you were driving like shit?" I laugh. Benny mockingly gasps.
         "I wasn't driving like shit! I learned to drive from Mario cart and it payed off!" He chuckles.
         "Yeah okay," I scoff, rolling my eyes. But I can't help but smile. Those were the good times. The times of the sandlot.
         We turn down a familiar street. A street that I used to walk through all the time. My old neighborhood. I could pick out Benny's old house, my old house, and DeNunez's old house. We all lived on the same street at the time. I felt like crying. I never would've thought that I would see this place again. It's been so long.
        Benny then parks the car near a fence. The fence leading to the sandlot. We get out and with shaky legs, I follow him through the open gates. Then I see it. My old home and the place of mine and Benny's first kiss. This is were a legend was made. If it wasn't for the sandlot, Benny wouldn't be what he is today. And neither would I.
     Benny glances at me while I try not to choke up. I hate crying. Especially in front of people. It make me feel week and vulnerable.
      "Hey, it's alright. You haven't been here in a while and we have so many memories here. It's okay to cry," Benny reassures, staring into my eyes. I hadn't realized that his had was placed on my cheek and apparently neither did he because he recoiled quickly and immediately looked awkward.
      "Sorry," he mumbled. To my surprise, I grab his hand with mine and smiled.
       "It's fine," I whisper. Benny gave me a small smile back as he pulled me away from the field. The field wasn't empty though. It looked all cleaned up and there were chair set up and an alter was standing right at home plate. I bet that's where Benny and Danielle will say there vows. Right on home plate. That sounded like my dream wedding. Danielle didn't even know the sandlot like I did. She didn't know what took place there. She didn't know that this was what shaped Benny's life. A rush of anger ran through me but evaporated as quickly as it came. Danielle was innocent. And I'm right she doesn't know. Danielle is just too nice.
      To my surprise, Benny lead me up into the old tree house. I was surprised that it was still standing. Could it even hold the two of us?
      We sit cross legged on the dusty wooden floor. It honestly looked the same from when we were kids.
      "Remember when we used to have camp outs here all the time," Benny says out of the blue.
      "Yeah and the main game was always truth or dare," I laugh, "oh and there was that whole beast thing that you guys would always tell me about."
       "Oh yeah, Hercules. He died not so long ago. I miss him," Benny said, looking around the tree house. I meet Hercules a few times and I don't know why the boys thought he was a beast at first. He was such a sweetheart.
     My thoughts were whirling in my head, Benny was staring at me with a serious face.
      "What is it?" I ask, tilting my head ever so slightly. Benny looks down at his hands while he talked.
        "I can't do this. I can't keep acting like everything is fine between us and forget about our feelings from the past," his voice was in a whisper. I was speechless as I stared at him. He looked like breaking down. Then he looked back up at me.
       "I-I think about you all the time, Sam. I know it's wrong but I can't help it," he takes a deep breath, "do you ever think about me?"
       I tense up at those last words. I couldn't tell him what I've been feeling. I couldn't tell him that I was still madly in love with him. That would ruin everything for Danielle. But if I don't get it out, I might burst. I shouldn't say it though. Especially right before his wedding. He's suppose to be in love with Danielle. Danielle is supposed to be his one and only but I came back into the picture and messed up everything.
       My heart beat fast and my palms start sweating. I couldn't think straight. Benny tilted his head confused. He was waiting for an answer. But I don't know if I could give him the answer that he wants me to give him. I desperately want to tell Benny that I love him still. I had to get it out. If I didn't, I'd probably end up turning into a fucking mad women.
"Yes Benny, I think about you all the time. But that doesn't matter, you have a wedding in a few hours. You and Danielle deserve each other more than anything," I hated to admit the last part out loud but I felt like he needed to hear it. I wanted him to know that he was making the right decision even if it doesn't involve me. Benny blinks and looks away. I wanted to know what was going on in that brain of his.
"You really think that?" Benny wonders, sounding slightly unsure. I give him a small wobbly smile.
"Sure as hell I do. And any Shit Ticket that doesn't think so, can go eat a couch." Benny gives he a weird look as he hold back a laugh.
"You really are weird ya know. A couch?" He shakes his head and chuckles.
"Well yeah a couch," I shrug giving him a sad smile, "You and Danielle are made for each other. Those feeling that we had so long ago are going to have to disappear Benny. I know it might be hard but, do it for Danielle. She really is a beautiful soul and she deserves the best. Which is you."
Benny scratches the back of his neck and looks up at me. "If you say so Samantha. Danielle is probably one of the most beautiful souls I've meet. And she does deserve the best," he gives me a smug look, "and I know, I am the best around aren't I?"
He laughs as I roll my eyes. He still has that annoyingly big ego. The tension in the room evaporated. It was comfortable.
"So, what are you going to do then?" Benny asks out of the blue. My eyes snap up to his in confusion.
"What do you mean?" I question. Benny sighs.
"I mean, what are you going to do after me and Danielle...get married?" Oh.
"Um, I was thinking that I could get a beach house right near the water. I'd obviously play baseball with the Dodgers of course. I think that's about it," I shrug. Benny licks his lips.
"Well you could continue to stay with Danielle and I. We have plenty of space and-" I hold up a hand to stop him.
"There is no way that I'll be the third wheel all the time Benny. Thank you for offering but, when you and Danielle decide to have kids, I don't want to be in the same house when it's happening. Trust me, the walls are thin." Benny's eyes go wide.
"Shit, I didn't think about that. And why do you always have to turn something as simple as staying in a house to weird and awkward?" He laughs.
"I don't know. It's in my nature. And it's also in my nature to know that it's probably time to get going because you'll be dealing with one angry bride if your late to your wedding," I point a finger at him. Benny gives me one dazzling side ways smile.
"I guess you're right. Danielle is actually pretty scary when she's angry," he shivers. Wow, Danielle angry? How is that even possible?
We exit the tree house after talking for 5 more minutes. Just about life and our childhood. It was nice to have some one on one time with my old best friend.
When we got back to the house, it was still buzzing. It was probably buzzing even more than it was before. I spotted Danielle running around like a mad women. Her hair was half done. It was chaos. People were loading things in cars, probably getting ready to transfer them to the sandlot where the wedding was taking place.
        We both got out of the car and before I could turn and head into the house, Benny grabbed my wrist. He spun me around. His eyes looked sad but happy. It was as if there were some kind of war going on inside of him. I swallow deeply.
        "Sam, thank you for being by my side this whole time. Whatever guy catches your heart in the future is one damn lucky one. You're're perfect," his eyes stare straight into mine with so much intensity, I felt like I could melt right there. I had to let him go. I had to get over these feelings. It was going to be so fucking hard though. He's beautiful. He's talented. He's everything a girl could ask for and more. That's why Danielle deserves him. Not me.
       "I'm just happy for you Rodriguez, you deserve the world," I whisper. He doesn't respond as he searches my face for who knows what. I give him one last smile before turning away from him and heading inside to get ready for his wedding.

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