Chapter 5

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       "Come on! Kick this hoe's ass!" I yell, banging my fist on the table. All eyes turned to me and I'm sure I went as red as a cherry.
       "Oh sorry I was playing a game," I wave my hand and look back down at my phone. This game was intense. It was some random game that I found in the App Store. My character was currently beating up some lady because she was getting it on with her husband.
         I could feel the stares around me as I stared intensely at the screen. I ignored them though. I bet they were just jealous that I was great at this video game and I was winning. Suddenly, a big red X appeared on the screen and the words, "you lose" were in big red letters.
      "What?!" I yell in frustration as people turned their heads back to me. I guess I wasn't winning. I push the power button and slam the phone down next to me.
        "Man, that games nothin but shit!" I pout.
People around me, like DeNunez, Benny, Jessica, And Danielle, were all giving me funny looks. Sighing, I threw my hands up in exasperation.
        "Look I'm sorry but I was clearly winning in that game and then it said that I lost. What kinda stuff is that?!"
        "Well obviously since it said that you lost, you weren't winning in the first place," DeNunez stated. I scrunch up my nose.
        "No one asked you DeNunez," I say.
         "And no one asked you if anyone asked me."
          I narrow my eyes and stick my tongue out at him.
          "Yeah whatever," I sigh, standing up from my place on the ground in the living room, "I'm gonna go have some me time." I brush my hands on my jeans. I go to turn around when Danielle pops up from the couch.
          "We can go shopping for your maid dress!" She announces. Didn't I just say that I was gonna have some me time? This girl is going to be the death of me. I sigh but give in.
           "Yeah sure that's a great idea," I pretend to be excited and give her a fake smile. I'm sure that Benny knew it was fake though because his lips twitched up and he ducked his head to hide his smile.
        "Let's go then!" She beamed and skipped to the door where she quickly snatched up her keys and ran out of the house. Man, Benny has got himself a wild one. She was full of never ending energy. It's like she's in a whole different perfect world. I never see her frown or look sad. She's all sunshine and rainbows. It was like she was too innocent. I wonder if she and Benny ever....never mind, I really don't want to know that.
         I give everyone a salute goodbye and walk out of the door after the little happy unicorn. I spot her already sitting in her car. My eyes get wide as I looked at her sports car that was roaring to life. It was a white Challenger with black tinted windows. I guess her job pays
Off too. Opening the passenger door, I send Danielle a little smile while sliding into the black leather seat.
         "Nice car," I told her. She smiles at me like I just made her day.
"Oh thanks!" Was her reply as she stepped on the gas petal. As we drove, I was thinking. It's so hard to hate her. She was like a little ray of sunshine who has no darkness in her heart. I was becoming quite fond of her even though she's marrying the love of my life from 13 years ago. Which I should be over Benny by now but it's hard to let's those feelings go. It seemed like the more time I was away from him, made me love him even more. We've been through some shit together. He's moved on so why can't I? Why was it so hard?
"We're here!" Danielle announces as she pulled into a parking space.
"How? That was like, 5 minutes," I laugh. She shrugs.
"Well we live like 5 minutes away from it so...." she trailed off. We get out of the car at the same time. I can't help but admire the building. It was huge and looked expensive. I could see the many dresses through the glass doors and windows. As we walk inside, my eyes get wide. There were so many dresses. Beautiful dresses. I was overwhelmed. I don't wear dresses. I never do. I mean, I'm a girl playing baseball in the major leagues with a bunch of men. Do I sound like the type of girl who wears dresses? I look over at Danielle who seemed to know her way around the store.
"So what type of dress were you thinking of?" I ask her. Usually the bridesmaids all wear one color. Danielle purses her lips.
"So far, each of the brides maids are wearing a different shade of blue. Starting with the lightest and then the shades get slightly darker after that. That's what the order's going to be. So I was thinking that the maid of honor would wear the darkest shade because your at the end of the row, next to me," she explains, waving her hands at some selections of dark blue dresses. Clever.
I walk over to examine some of the options. They were truly beautiful. But my heart swelled when I looked at them. I had to wear one of these to Benny Rodriguez's wedding. I've never loved anyone like I loved Benny. And now I have to stand there and watch him get married to someone else? That's some deep shit right there. I take a breath to calm myself before turning back to Danielle.
"I really like that navy blue cocktail one ," I state, pointing to the dress I was referring to. She followed my finger and her eyes lit up.
"Oh wow. I've never seen that dress before," She says, walking over to it and examining the design, "it's so beautiful." She touches silky skirt part.
"I think this is the one," she announces turning to me with a bright smile. I give her a small smile and nod. She then grabs the dress off of the wall and hands it to me. I hook my fingers onto the hanger and hold it up to admire it some more. It was sleeveless and looked like it was made of silk.
"Well, try it on," Danielle said excitedly. I nod once and move to the changing room. I quickly strip out of my clothes and slip on the dress. My back was fully reveled and the dress was tight against my body. The soft silk felt amazing against my skin and it fit perfectly. The hi lo skirt was big and the back went down all the way to the ground. Almost trailing. The front went up a little under my knees. I have to say, I looked great in it.
I took the dress off and put my clothes back on. Then, Danielle and I went up to the cash register to buy it. Danielle offered to buy it but I waved her off and handed the old lady, behind the desk, my credit card before Danielle could. The dress was $250. It cost more than any other piece of clothing that I've ever bought.
The drive home was again, 5 minutes and the whole time, Danielle was talking about the wedding that was happening tomorrow. She told me that they already had the cake and everything was set up. They already invited guests who already were staying in hotels for the wedding.
"Oh and get this, we're having the wedding on that old sandlot where Benny used to play. He told me all about it and I suggested that we do it there since he loved that place so much." I pretty much blanked out after she said that they're having the wedding at the sandlot. The sandlot. It was like they were trying to put salt in the wound. Though I knew they weren't. But I just had to be the sandlot?? I haven't been there since the day I moved all those years ago. It was like my home. This was all too messed up. All too...unreal.
I stayed quiet after that. Leaning my head against the window. All I wanted to do was sit here forever and let the world go on without me. Maybe I wouldn't be in so much pain if I weren't there when Benny got married to Danielle. He deserves Danielle. He deserves a girl with a kind heart that was filled with everything but negativity. Someone that wasn't like me. A badass lady with an almost black heart. So it was time to let go of Benny. I was going to suck it up, get through the wedding, and live through the rest of my life and maybe find someone new. Who knows where life can take you. Anything could happen.

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