Chapter 3

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At Angel battle house

Reaper; "I don't believe you"
Quorin; "It's the truth" I'm telling you he knew about our plans. "
Reaper; No! He didn't you just don't wanna admit that your seduction did not work on him.
Quorin;(angrily) Alright believe what you want.

Meanwhile at the dark lights house their house master has given them their first mission and that is to do a background check on their roommate.

Mar;(huffs) This is a stupid activity, I mean who'd want to know about you you're annoying.
Kai;(smiles) You never know, you might be surprised what you find. Or are you afraid your detective skills are horrible and you can't find a thing about my background.
Mar;(seething) Is that a challenge.....
Kai; Are you willing to accept it, (whispers) or you just a wimp.
Mar; (shouts) What!
Kai; Do you accept.
Mar; Bring it on.

Next day

Mar;(frustrated) Argh this is stupid very stupid and impossible. How is this even possible
Without looking Mar bumped into the headmaster.
Black Reeds; Whoa what's got ya worked up (smiles).
Mar;(sighs) Nothing much, just that there's nothing if Kai, no family no village no nothing. Hah! Its like he popped up outta de earth.
Black Reeds;(smiles) Perhaps you're looking the wrong way, search your history.
Mar; Whaa , search my history buh.....

The housemaster was long gone when Mar turned.
Mar; Hmm! What a weird dorm parent.
(Dorm parent is what you refer to your own house master, its more like their grandparents but saying parent is easier).

Meanwhile Kai already knew everything about Mar and something even more interesting.
Kai; hnn hahahahahah. This is good , this is too good. So he's the kid it seems that this game has just become interesting.

Mar was returning to the dorm just to sulk about loosing to that annoying person he calls a roommate when he saw said roommate walking towards him. Mar mumbled "I wish I hadn't taken a route that made it impossible to hide from the devil".
Mar smiled at the incoming Kai and said
Mar; Hi!
Kai;(smiles) Hi you look like a person that just lost a bet. (sarcastically) Don't worry I am not debt collector.
Mar; (scoffs) Only an evil debt collector would say that to the (while making quotation marks with his hands) supposed debtor.
Kai; Oh come on I just want to be friends with you.
Mar; Why.
Kai; 'Cause I don't have any friends and you seem like a cool kid is all.
Mar; And if am not.
Kai; You know friends are like family they accept all your flaws.
Mar;(scoffs) That's a corny line probably from a fortune cookie.
Kai just smiled at him and Mar gave in and accepted him as a friend.
Mar; (smiles) Alright friends (while shaking hands with Kai) and you must realise you're stuck with me for good.
Kai; Am sure I can handle you.
Mar; (while shaking his head) Hm keep thinking that.
Mar and Kai went to the housemaster office and gave a report on their results for the day and returned to their room.
Kai; You know tomorrow is gonna be a good day am sure of it.
Mar; Hmph I seem to a very optimistic friends.
Kai; Ha ha you'll learn to love me.
Mar; (smirks) we'll see.

----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry I hadn't updated for a long time but I coupled with my previous writer's block I really don't know where this story is going its heading very far away from where I thought it go and I don't if it would be good or not but I will let you be the judge of that.

And thanks for sticking with me till now and I'll try to make it progress faster. Again thank you for your support.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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