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A loud bang reverberated through the once desolate alleyway, the dead silence of the night being cut by the roaring sound of a bullet lodging itself into its prey.

Cold, emotionless eyes took in the body that fell like heap to the floor, unmoving, dead.

Wooyoung moved the pistol back to its holster, taking a step back, scanning the bloody mess on the cold, jagged floor of the murky alley.

"Take care of this Yeosang." Wooyoung said looking away from the corpse as a tall, lean person nodded, moving towards the motionless body.

Wooyoung let out a tired sigh as he stepped out of the congested, narrow alley, letting the cool night breeze brush across his face in a refreshing, soothing manner.

Another one down. When are they going to stop. Wooyoung thought to himself. Killings like this had become a routine in his life, as regular as brushing your teeth in the morning, or turning the light off before bed.

Being the head of such a gang, yong-gamhan, Wooyoung became accustomed to this lifestyle fairly quickly. It was required of him to survive the harsh situations ahead, and for the sake of everyone who trusted him.

"Rough day?" he heard Mingi, one of his most trusted and closest friend's voice close to his left as the older made his way towards him, his steady, light steps clicking sharply against the cool ground, sniper sling over his shoulder.

"You could say that." Wooyoung sighed tiredly, brushing a hand through his silver locks, eyes closed.

"Tell you what," Mingi started, a good enough idea came to his mind to help his friends mood improve. "There's a club not too far from here. You could loosen up a bit there, even get laid." Mingi suggested.

Wooyoung contemplated it for a moment before sighing. "I'll take you up on that offer." he replied, feeling like he needed the opportunity to let loose. He was exhausted, weary. A good hook up might ease his muscles which were pulled tight like guitar strings tuned a few octaves too high.

"Let's go then." Mingi smirked.


Loud music echoed from the pristine walls of the club Mingi was taking Wooyoung to, Euphoric, the name of the club, displayed in a bright neon print at the entrance.

As the pair stepped into the brightly lit inside of the club, not having to wait hours in a line, the bouncer's eyes widening at the stack of money Mingi silently placed in his palm; Wooyoung stopped short taking in the strong smell of alcohol and all the activities happening before him.

A crowd was gathered around a small stage to the right where a male pole dancer was putting on a show, alluring the crowd with elegant, rhythmic movements.

"That's Seonghwa. A favourite in this club." Mingi informed the younger, noticing his stare.

"Hmm." Wooyoung mumbled distractedly, looking around at all the mingling bodies in the huge, luxurious club. He also didn't let it slide how Mingi seemed pretty knowledgeable of the club.

"This is where i ditch you Woo. Think you can take it from here." Mingi looked over at the younger, questioning him.

"Sure. Go get wasted." Wooyoung told the taller of the two who immediately set off, blending easily with the numerous sweaty bodies that had lost themselves for the night.

Wooyoung let out another tired sigh as he made his way towards the bar located perpendicular to the entrance.

Sitting himself on a sturdy stool, he glanced towards a bartender, ushering him over with a flick of his hand. A short red haired male with a name tag reading PAN made his way over to where Wooyoung sat.

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