" Anything serious?" I asked him not willing to see him again going through the same fumbling and stammering. He was instant in his reply " No! Nothing serious just wanted to.umm "He stopped in the middle as if he forgot what was next and came a step ahead close to me. I narrowed my eyes questioning him. Now spill it out at least.

Taking a deep breath looking into my eyes he started " I just wanted to say Thank you Annika! You are being a very great support to me as well as Prinku. I'm very thankful for whatever you are doing " that's it I was gawking at the running figure; he literally ran away before listening to my reply. Laughing hard at him and his childishness, I left to start my preparation for sleep.

He started visiting hospital with Prinku for regular check-ups and sonographies. I cannot ignore the glee in his eyes when he first heard heartbeats of his future niece or nephew. He was in tears for a moment and that day he didn't go to his office and spent the whole day in his room. One thing which never changed was his hate chemistry with Neethisha. Both had their own attitude fights and cold war.

"Sunny, Sunny "I came out from my thought process when Arnav bhai called me. Yeah, Arnav bhai came to Oberoi Mansion to just have glance of me and the pregnant Prinku. Prinku was like his sister from the day she was born.

'Yeah.yeah bhai!' I asked him coming out of my dreamland. At present all where in the living room on my order including Shivaay, I didn't know he would come leaving his meeting just because I called for a family meeting.

"You seem to be lost? Is everything ok sunny?" He asked concerned, he and his nick name Sunny. I don't know from where he started calling me with this name. Probably till mom told, he saw a movie when he was six and I was just born where the heroine's brother called her as sunny and Arnav Bhai started the same. He started calling me Sunny, not that I didn't like but I don't know where was it connected.

But the thing which was making me suspicious was the look Shivaay had when bhai was asking. He found to be concerned as he snapped his eyes at me the moment. I really couldn't figure out what was he up to.

" Nothing Bhai, all good. Just wanted to tell something! " I told looking at everyone present him.

"Yeah! Go ahead, Sunny, all ears to you." He said smiling. ahh his smile.

Clearing my throat, I continued " Umm. I was thinking we should have the baby shower ceremony for Prinku as she is already eight months now. It is actually late." I told looking down, I didn't know how to tell. There was a minute silence. Prinku who was sitting, spoke up.

" But, Bhabhi, mom is in coma. How can we celebrate? I don't feel good ". She tones filled with ultimate rejection. Anyways I am nowhere going to listen.

" Prinku! She will feel bad if she gets to know, reason for not celebrating the arrival of her grandchild birth was her ". I told her looking at all who were nodding their heads in agreement. Except Shivaay, I wasn't expecting him either. But the four-hundred-and-forty-volt shock was yet to come

" I think she is right! Mom won't like it, Prinku " Shivaay spoke shocking all including me. Okay! That was unexpected. I stared at him with my eyes popping out. Om chocked the water he was drinking. Rudra fell down from couch he was sitting. Last but not the least Arnav bhai dropped his phone down and papa was staring at him as if he had grown horns.

I think he is embarrassed now "What? I think she is right! We should have the baby shower ceremony " He spoke getting up and as usual acting as if he got a call.

Rudra who was sitting on the carpet, saw me and exclaimed " O, did you see Bhaiya? What has gotten into him? He accepted what Bhabhi told. This should be on news tomorrow "

Om smacked his head" Shut up, Rudra. What are you talking? But even I feel the same" both looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders off.

Tej papa who was silent spectator till now came up to me " Annika, Beta, please take care of the arrangements. I can't believe these useless creatures on earth whether it is your useless husband or his brothers." I burst out laughing and Ru and Om frowned. But they don't know other pair of eyes were also frowning, that was none other than my husband Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

Looking at him frowning I was lost in his cute and adorable face. How lovely it would be to see him the same way all day, but fate can't change. I really wish he comes back as my friend, Shivaay, who used to be when I was small. He would always be behind me telling to be careful, don't do this, don't do that before years.

Morning I woke up soon, as I need to start the preparations for Prinku's baby shower. I'm very well excited for my niece and nephew. Shivaay is damn sure it would be a niece for him.

Assigning and allotting works to all, I was talking to servants. Suddenly I felt someone's intense gaze on me, I didn't know who it was but the familiarity in the gaze caught me off guard. I turned around to see but I never expected Shivaay's gaze and at the same time I thought he would turn soon but he stood still looking at me even after knowing that I caught him.

. . . .


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