What am I going to do with you? (Jim x Dwight)

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I was sitting at my desk when Michael came into the room asking for everyone attention. His mouth was moving, but I could barely hear anything. Was it just me or was everything spinning... I collapsed onto my desk.

"Oh! Ok uh- I think we need to take him to the hospital, because..." Jim began, waking over and sitting me upright. "-I'm pretty sure he has a concussion" he said.

"Oh, now you feel some compassion for him" Michael said. That didn't seem very much like Michael to me. Jim stood behind me and I leaned my head on his chest. He didn't seem to mind.

"He needs to go right now" Jim said.

"And you're his emergency contact so I think you should go with him"
Angela added. Fact: Angela never says anything in this kind of a crisis. That was odd. My train of thought was interrupted by Jim's hands resting on my shoulders. He was gently rubbing them to try to comfort me. His hands were quite warm.

"Why don't you go with him?" Michael asked.

"I barely know him" Angela replied.

"I want Michael to take me" I said, even though I really wanted someone else to.

"I can't take you. I don't have my car"


"-and yours is all vomit-y"

"You can take my van!" Meredith perked up, peeking out from behind some other co-workers.

"Oh ok that's great" Michael replied sarcastically. Suddenly I felt really hot I was running out of breath. I was panicking and the pain was beginning to be too much. I needed to calm down. Then I remembered that Jim was behind me. The gentle touch of his hands on my shoulders were all that I needed for reassurance. He seemed like a worthy ally. I could trust him. Then I felt the pain calm down a little.

"No, I can't drive. Jim, why don't you drive?" Michael asked.

"Fine" Jim agreed. Now the person that I really wanted to come to the hospital with me, is.

"We'll go. I'm still recovering so let's just- Ryan, can you get my coat please?" Michael ordered. Jim picked me up out of my chair and I put my arm around his shoulder. To help me walk, he put his hand on mine. Finally I was feeling something other than the (slightly less) throbbing pain in my head.

"Slowly, let's just get to the elevator" Jim said.


"What are you doing?"

"Vietnam sounds" I replied as I fell onto the couch.

"Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop" he said, almost falling onto me.

"Tired" I said groggy.

"Can't lay down". Jim grabbed something near the plant. "Wake up!" he said, spraying me with a spray-bottle.

"Ahh!" I said, more annoyed than startled. I could hear Pam's mocking laughter behind me. Jim looked at me, at her, then back at me again. He sighed.

"Sorry... Here, let me help you, Dwight. Come on, get up" he said, helping me up. I thanked him.

"You're the best" I said as we walked out the door.

"...It-it smells like chicken soup" I remarked. It really did. Schrute noses never lie. "There it is" Jim replied, shooting a look to the camera. We finally got to the elevator.

"I have to go to the hospital"

"I know"

"Where are we going?"

"Exactly where you need to be"

"With you..?" I asked with a small smile. He looked at me, our faces mere inches away from each other, and we stopped. I looked at him for a second before immediately planting my lips onto his, closing the already short distance between us. Jim took a step to the side but didn't pull away. After a few seconds I pulled away and looked at Jim. His flustered cheeks made him look more adorable than he already was.

"...I..uh... We're going the um- to the hospital, Dwight" he said with a little smile, looking to the ground. He seemed slightly embarrassed.

"Oh Jim, you're adorable" I said as I booped his nose.

"My god Dwight...what am I going to do with you?" He said as he grinned.

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