Moby dick

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Moby dick was a whale. He was cool, then some sailors tried to capture him and somebody wrote a million page book about it. But this is how the story really happened, at least how it happened from a narwhals point of view.

Moby dick was stupid. His actual name was um....... Non-fat latte. Non-fat latte was a very skinny whale and he had no body fat on him causing him to get really cold and die. But he was always resurrected every time he died cause he was just that awesome. "Blub yay narwhal unicorn whale blubber blue blue walrus evil" he said to the rest of the whales. I am cool. "Um........ Mr. Latte can you speak in whalegrish please?" "Oui, oui, je le ferai madame!" "That was in whalench! Whalegrish please!" "Ano, budu, pane." "OMG ASDFQQWEDJDNJSJSJJS YOUR SO ANNOYING LATTE!!!! DONT SPEAK IN CZEWHALE!!!!" "نعم، وسوف سيدتي" "DONT SPEAK IN WHALERABIC SPEAK IN WHALEGRISH!!!!!" "Oh, sure. Why didn't you say so?" "UGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"







"adiós, muchachos y muchachas!!!" Latte said as he went to prison.

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2014 ⏰

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