abhi was totally taken aback by her mother's decision.he didn't expect that from her.he looked at his father who was equally shocked as him.

he looked at his father who was equally shocked as him

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ABHI: are  you serious... sorry to say mom i am not going to fall for her.

RAGINI: why are you saying like this abhi.you don't believe me.she is so pretty.

this time abhi became serious.

ABHI: mom i respect what you are saying but this isn't practical. and to...to be serious... i am in love.i have a girlfriend. we've been in this relationship for more than three and half years. we love each other truly and deeply. and i will marry her only.

neil and ragini both were shocked at his confession they didn't thought something like this would come up. ragini was totally shocked and angry at the same time. seeing his parents reaction which he expected, abhi thought to speak first.

ABHI: mom i know i have i hided this big thing from you people. but trust me she is a very nice girl.you both will love. i will make you meet her very soon. and i'll take leave from both of you, i had my dinner. i am going to purab's place.

abhi got up from his chair and turned to leave but was stopped by his mother's voice...

RAGINI: and  what about your parents respect? i have given them my promise that you will marry their daughter.

ABHI: is that girl ready to marry me? 

RAGINI: yes of course i have talked with her also. we have both talked about you  for more than an hour.and she started to like you also.

ABHI: and mom the girl i love know me by myself for more than four years so... who knows me better. 

RAGINI: abhi.. how could you this?

ABHI: mom there is nothing to talk much about this. i will be late. so you people sleep.bye...

and abhi went from there. here at home

RAGINI: how could he do this to us? he's is keeping that girl above his parents respect.

NEIL: don't overthink ragini. it's his life, he has right to do whatever he wants.

RAGINI: you won't understand me. i know how to handle this matter.

she said looking at the direction where abhi went with anger clearly visible in her eyes.

late at night, somewhere on the road

abhi was driving his car.suddenly his mobile started ringing.his face lit up, by seeing the caller id.he answered the call

ABHI: hey, how're you doing?

ABHI: hey, how're you doing?

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