Chapter 29

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Later that night..

Is Morgan staying back over her house or you going to go get her ?

She asked if she could stay another night so it's just me and you and the baby.

We need to have a movie night you need to Order some pizza make sure you get pepperoni.

Mmhm what kind of movie we finna watch?

A scary movie. I said 

Really Ciara you know I don't like scary movies!

Well you finna watch one tonight. I said laughing

That's why u not getting no pizza. my mom said laughing

Yes I Am we gotta eat too!

I know that Ciara but have you got your bag together you might be going into labor any day now

It's weeks but ima do that later I been doing other stuff lately

Well you better start now then when the pizza come we can watch the movie cause ion want you to be unprepared.

Ma I know what to do.. but did it hurt when all it happen ?

I mean with Morgan it went by really fast but with you it was a bit hard yes it hurt a lot so you gotta be prepared for all that.

Hope it go by really fast Then ima be hungry.

Yep so you better eat something on the way there.

Anyways go pack your bag before the food get here!

Ughh alright!

I went to go back my bag I put in diapers, clothes, a small hat, socks, a small brush and a lot more stuff than I pack my bag I put in some clothes, more shoes, socks, my travel tooth brush, and more

Then I ran back down to see pizza on the table finally I'm hungry.

Me to so turn the movie on and let's watch the movie..

Okay. I said

16 and pregnant Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat