Walking swiftly over to the cell door, Peter pulled down on the lock, breaking it swiftly with his superior strength. Not caring that he was most definitely escaping from a holding cell, or that he was pretty sure he would end up a fugitive for doing so, he let his feet carry him as far away from the jail as possible.

He only had one thing on his mind, and that was finding a phone. He needed to call the only person he could trust, who could easily get to him.

He needed Happy.


He heard the jet before he saw it. His head looked upwards, searching for the words on the side of the jet, hoping it was who he thought.

As the jet came in for landing, ruining hundreds of prize winning tulips, Peter read the words Stark Industries plastered along the sleek white plane. His heart skipped a beat, feet speeding up as he approached the jet. Happy was here, he was really here-

His mind raced, was it really him? How could he be certain he wasn't still trapped in one of Mysterio's illusions, made to believe he was safe only to be shown once again why he wasn't.

Peter stopped mid run, watching as two figures emerged from the jet. First was Happy Hogan, grey head of curly hair hastily combed and suit slightly askew, as though he'd been in a hurry to get dressed. He looked at Peter with nothing but concern in his eyes. "Peter?" Happy called out as the second person tried to come forward.

Peter felt his heart stop.

You were trying to push your way past Happy, your hair pulled back messily, black jeans and white top looking slept in. Peter felt his heart skip a beat at the sight of you. You were talking fast, almost demandingly and he could see the way your emotions fueled you. It was you, living and breathing.

But it had also been you in Beck's hands, calling out to him. He'd been so sure of it, he swore as the memory surged in his head he even smelled your perfume. Your eyes left Happy, settling on Peter. You once again moved towards him, Happy no longer holding you back as he watched Peter. His head was shaking, hands put up pleadingly, like he was shying away from you.

You had gone a total of three feet before Peter held up a hand and screamed a broken "Stop!"

Your feet froze in an instant and you held up your hands. "Peter-" you tried but he shook his head.

"Stop, please," he said, voice shaking. "Just- tell me something only you would know!"

You looked back to Happy confused before your eyes once again moved to the boy before you. His hair was a mess, he was covered in blood and it broke your heart because there was no doubt in your mind it was his blood. He looked like he was trapped in his own head, his eyes not daring to stay in one spot for too long.

"Something only I would know?" You say softly, thinking hard, trying not to be too distracted by his wounds. "Um... okay... oh!"

The memory popped into your head quickly and before you could even think of the fact that Happy was standing behind you, you blurted out the words: "You remember when you got your powers? And we had been at Delmar's for the first time in weeks. You held my hand as you pulled me through the isles- I tripped and you turned to catch me and we fell into each other and that was the first time we kissed and we didn't even mean to."

You could immediately see the relief on Peter's face. His shoulders relaxed like he was finally able to take a breath for the first time in a long time. He rushed forward, enveloping you into his arms. Your hands found the base of his neck and you held him just as tightly as he was holding you. His whole frame was shaking, you could feel the hot tears streaming down his face.

"Oh, Peter," you say as he cries into you. The both of you sink down to your knees, the dirt and flower petals surrounding you. "Sh, sh, sh, I'm here, it's okay."

"It's you," Peter breathes out shakily, his voice thick, unable to mask the tears he shed. He was pulling at you desperately. "Of course it's you."

"Why wouldn't it be me, Peter?" You ask him, pulling him away slightly, resting your hands on his cheeks. You wiped the blood from his cheek, looking into his scared and broken eyes. You gave him a soft smile, waiting for him to reply.

"I messed up, [Y/N]," he said trying to control his voice, to steady his breathing but he couldn't get over the fact that you were here, in his hands and you were one hundred percent real. "Oh my god, I messed up so bad."

Your hands ran through his hair pushing it from his face as you tried to calm him down. "Peter, it's okay, whatever happened we can fix it."

He shook his head, seeing the illusions before him once again. He saw you falling, saw Tony pulling himself from his grave-

God how could he have been so stupid? He should never have handed EDITH over to him.

"Pete, honey, look at me. What happened?"

His gaze shifted from you to Happy and down to his torn suit before finally settling back on you, his voice coming out in a soft whisper, only one word, but enough weight was placed upon it that you knew this was serious.


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