I squeezed their heads, one by one, until their eyes started tearing up. "You better never do it again or I'll make sure it's you needing the flowers in honor of," I growled darkly. My scowl had transformed to a scary angry glare, finally communicating to them the danger I presented. Before I could decide if I wanted to administer further punishment, they ran, splitting up as they went, and Stachio had already disappeared from his space on the concrete ground.

"Darn," I murmured softly before turning to where the vase sat on its side. "Well, they should be scared enough to not bother you again."

For a second it appeared I was talking to no one — and to the spiritually unaware it would always seem that way — but then agirl shimmered into existence, leaning on the pole and peeking after the group that had run away. She smiled up at me with relief, whispering a soft "Thank you". Her hair was tied up, and colored a red that could rival my own orange, but she was definitely a much shyer person. Her green eyes glimmered with silent gratitude, a shade darker than the green font on her white tee. I guessed that her outfit was what she had worn when she died, but I brushed that thought aside as unimportant and leaned over to put that vase of flowers upright again. She whispered, "I can go in peace now."

With a smile, I stood and answered, "Have fun." It was good that she would try and move on; she was too young to stick around as a spirit and suffer watching everyone else live while she could not.

She nodded, then faded away, although I still sensed her presence. That is basically what my ability to see spirits is, I guess. A sense. As far as I know, I've been able to sense spirits from the beginning, the power has just...developed, I suppose. Now I can see, communicate with, and touch them when originally I could only see shimmering air. Additionally, they're drawn to me now, which is why it gets annoying.

I continued my walk home with my school bag in my hand over my shoulder. My other hand was in my grey uniform pocket. The walk took five-or-so minutes, but knowing what awaited me it seemed much too short. A glance beforehand at my watch told me it was 7:03, and that meant my dad was going to pitch a fit. You'd think that someone running a clinic would be a bit more gentle, but I don't think anyone in my family could be classified as gentle in the full sense of the word. Yuzu came closest, but even she had moments where she got angry (and she kept smiling the whole while when she beat you over the head). So it was with reluctance I opened the door, half considering climbing in through my bedroom window, and the prompt greeting blow to the face that I barely managed to block did not disappoint my expectations.

"The one tradition we have in this house is to eat together at 7:00!" my dad's gruff voice shouted out. "You're late!" He swung back at me again.

I advanced a little as we threw punches so I could kick the door shut behind me. "I was helping a spirit pass on," I yelled my response, "I should be excused!"

Yuzu and Karin, my little sisters, fraternal twins, sat at the table eating dinner, pretty much disregarding the fight since it was a daily thing. Yuzu did look over with her soft brown eyes and ask us to stop and come eat (see, definitely not as gentle as she looks!), but Karin just told her flat out it was a useless endeavor. Yep, that's my average night.

Eventually I overcame my dad and went upstairs with an "I'm going to bed" while he wept over his rebellious children to the oversized portrait of our mom on the wall (note the sarcasm, although I am completely serious about what he was doing). I did not much feel like eating despite knowing it was Yuzu's night to cook (she was a pro). I did not even bother to change, just laid down on my bed with the wind blowing my curtains and the moon reflecting on the glass of my window. I went to sleep like that, shoes on and everything.


I woke up with stiff, creased clothes, but figured that since I was already dressed, I might as well stay dressed. I was feeling lazy. Downstairs Yuzu, probably prodded by Karin since it was Karin's day, was making breakfast for everyone. Karin was watching the news while she waited; something about an accident.

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